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Thin Film Mechanical Properties

Fellowships and Ph.D. position available: Analysis and modeling of the mechanical behavior of 3D nanoparticles superstructures


Colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) form a family of highly advanced building blocks suitable for large scale assembly of novel high-complexity 1D-to-3D superstructures. Their properties and inter-particle interactions, nowadays, can be highly controlled by tailoring their size, shape, composition and surface functionalization.

Amit Shyam's picture

Post-doc in micromechanical testing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

We have an immediate opening for a post-doctoral candidate in the area of micromechanical testing within the Mechanical Properties and Mechanics group at ORNL. Please see the attached file for further details. If you are interested in the position, please apply online at:

For questions, please contact Amit Shyam ( or Edgar Lara-Curzio (

Thank you,

Tim Rupert's picture

Experimental Observations of Stress-Driven Grain Boundary Migration

My coworkers (Dan Gianola, Yixiang Gan, and Kevin Hemker) and I have published research results in the December 18th, 2009 issue of Science. In this work, we perform tension tests on specially designed thin film samples to studying the influence of different stress and strain states on mechanically-induced grain growth in nanocrystalline aluminum. Our results indicate that shear stresses drive grain boundaries to move in a manner consistent with recent molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical predictions of coupled grain boundary migration.

Enquiry about fracture mechanics simulation using ABAQUS


I am very glad to be here.

I want to make some simulation work on the fracture mechanics of thin films. Because the LEEF model is used for bulk materials, I wonder whether it is reasonable to use in on thin films.

Are there some pannels in abaqus can do crack propagation work or some fracture mechanics?

I am a fresh man and look forward for your help.



Ting Tsui's picture

Ph.D. Candidate Position at the University of Waterloo


Ph.D. position avaliable at the University of Waterloo. This program is funded by NSERC and CFI to construct UHV variable temperature nanoindenter and micro-tensile tester. Candiates must have a strong background in instrumentations and programming. Please contact Ting Tsui

2008 Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film and Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior

We are pleased to officially announce the

2008 Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film and Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior

July 27 - August 1, 2008 at Colby College, Waterville Maine

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in contrained films

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Nancy Sottos's picture

SES 2007 Symposium on Mechanics of Thin Films and Layered Materials

Prof. Philippe Geubelle, Dr. Rajesh Kitey and I are organizing a symposium on Mechanics of Thin Films and Layered Materials at 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society for Engineering Science, Texas A&M University, October 21-24, 2007.

The abstract deadline has been extended until June 30, 2007. Abstracts should prepared according to the instructions posted on the web at

Tian Zhi Luo's picture

interconnected delamination patter

Sorry for the wrong image I posted previously. This is the correct one. If possible, I wish someone can delete my previous post.

The image of the surrounding area of the sun flower , which seems to be the interconnected assemble of the delamination pattern under biaxial stress observed by Hutchinson and Thouless in Acta Metall. Mater. in 1992

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Tian Zhi Luo's picture

interconnected delamination patter, not a telephone cord, not a worm, not a disc

The image of the surrounding area of the sun flower, which seems to be the interconnected assemble of the delamination pattern under biaxial stress observed by Hutchinson and Thouless in Acta Metall. Mater. in 1992

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Tian Zhi Luo's picture

sun flower from delimation

Optical microscope image of delimation of thin film by electrochemical deposition was taken one week ago.The large magnitue of compressive stress was thought to be the origin (in situ stress measurements indicated the stress evoultion attained a steady state after the delamination occured). The black center would be a pin-hole that has been oftern identified in the thin films grown by electrodepostion.

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Mechanical Properties of Thin Films (class notes for a graduate class at Stanford University)

The attached file is a set of class notes developed by W.D. Nix of Stanford University and used in a graduate course on Mechanical Properties of Thin Films. These notes have been used in the graduate course MSE 353 since the late 1980's. That course has been taught every year or so since that time. The notes were last updated in January of 2005. The reader will see a note to the effect that many of the figures and illustrations in the file have been taken from the work of students and colleagues at Stanford without proper attribution.

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