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Radial Basis Function in MATLAB

Zuhaib Nazir's picture

年代trains from the given Displacements with given X Y values by Radial Basis Function Thin Plate Spline in MATLAB


Dear Researchers

I have attach a text file with this message in which I have written all my code. I have applied the Radial Basis Function (interpolation) to find approximated displacements.

f = RBF(r)*a

f = given values e-g displacements to be approximate

RBF(r)= Radal Basis function (Thin Plate spline)

a= Radial Basis Function coefficient

X= x distance from the origin (given) (first column of disppoints)

Y= y distance from the origin (given)(second column of disppoints) For example as below

X Y f(U)

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Zuhaib Nazir's picture

年代trains from the given Displacements with given X Y values by Radial Basis Function Thin Plate Spline in MATLAB

Dear Researchers

I have attach a text file with this message in which I have written all my code. I have applied the Radial Basis Function (interpolation) to find approximated displacements.

f = RBF(r)*a

f = given values e-g displacements to be approximate

RBF(r)= Radal Basis function (Thin Plate spline)

a= Radial Basis Function coefficient

X= x distance from the origin (given) (first column of disppoints)

Y= y distance from the origin (given)(second column of disppoints) For example as below

X Y f(U)

1 5 4

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