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grahamcross's picture

Trinity College (CRANN) Ph.D. Fellowship: Physics of Nanostructure Forming


4 year Postgraduate Fellowship in the School of Physics and theCRANNNanoscience Institute,Trinity College,Dublin, Ireland

Nanomechanics Group of Dr. Graham Cross (webpage)

Available immediately: A doctoral fellowship in soft condensed matter physics, with an emphasis on large strain nanoscale deformation and controlled pattern production.

marco.paggi's picture

ECCM 2010 Minisymposium on Fracture and Contact Mechanics for Interface Problems - Paris, France, May 16-21 2010

Dear Colleague,
theIV European Conference on Computational Mechanics-ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, organized by ECCOMAS, will take place in Paris, France, May 16-21 2010 (see the Congress website more information).
During this conference, we are organizing a Minisymposium entitled:

Non linear finite element analysis


I've been reading the book by Crisfield on Non linear Finite elment analysis-Volume 1

Basically, I've been reading the first 4 chapters as of now which can be summarized as follows:-

So far in Crisfield’s book, following has been covered/ done:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Haythornthwaite Grants for Students to Attend ASME IMECE 2009

With a generous gift from theHaythornthwaite Foundation, the ASMEApplied Mechanics Divisionwill award grants to students presenting their own work at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2009). The grant will reimburse travel expenses and registration fees, up to $1,000 per student, for up to 10 students.

Topological crossovers in the forced folding of self-avoiding matter

We study the scaling properties of forced folding of thin materials of different geometry. The scaling relations implying the topological crossovers from the folding of three dimensional plates to the folding of two-dimensional sheets, and further to the packing of one-dimensional strings, are derived for elastic and plastic manifolds. These topological crossovers in the folding of plastic manifolds were observed in experiments with predominantly plastic aluminum strips of different geometry.

ktramesh's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Fragmentation


We have one postdoctoral position, available in October 2009, in the general
area of fragmentation and dynamic failure. The specific interest is in the timescales and lengthscales associated with the interactions of failure modes in materials. A background in modeling and simulation is essential, while some experience with shock physics is desirable. The successful candidate will become part of a highly collegial and diverse research group with activities in nanomaterials, planetary science and biomechanics. The work involves collaborative research with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and US citizenship is required. If you are

ktramesh's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Mesoscale Mechanics


I have one postdoctoral position, available immediately, in the general area of mesoscale modeling. The specific interest is in the development of computationally tractable models that incorporate the appropriate lengthscales and that can be used for microstructural design. The work is in conjunction with research groups involved in the development of materials for impact applications. Examples of topics of interest include the processes of dynamic failure in specific microstructures, and the development of physics-based models that account for grain size, grain size distribution, grain rotation and texture. If you are interested, please send me (
your CV and the names of at least two references. Women and minorities

Timoshenko theory

Hi all

I developed a Fnnite element code in Maple for Euler Bernoulli Beam Theory. Then I solved a cantilever beam with a vertical load at the free end. On comparing results with comercially available software, my results are good.

Finally I developd the FE formulation for Timoshenko beam theory. for the same cantilever problem, I introduced a small magnitue of shear modulus but the results are highly different from the Euler-Bernoulli beam.

Can any body explain this?

Beam Problem


冥界lo all,

I am trying to obtain the normal stresses in a beam subjected to a bending moment. The ratio of the length to thickness of the beam is approximately 3. 8. Will Euller-Bernoulli beam theory provide reasonable results for the normal stresses (using flexural formula)? Is there a formula similar to the flexural formula that considers the effect of transverse shear (timoshenko theory), to compute the normal stresses?

I would appreciate any insights on this problem.

Best Regards,


mahesh mane's picture

Phisical significance of ENTROPY

I got that there exist a property called ENTROPY;for which thedifference in it's values at two states is (Q/T).but I can't get it's physical significance

I know that it represents theirreversibility of the process.But it doesn't sutisfy me.So if anyone can...

Non-linear energy release rate (JI,JII,JIII)

Hi all,

I am currently working on mooney-rivlin materials. I wonder if someone have tried to compute GI, GII and GIII with the EDI because I don't understand how to compute WIII with mooney-rivlin.

Thanks a lot

Joachim Guilie

Thermo-mechanical model of friction stir welding

My name is Aurelio Tronci and I am a PhD student at the University of Cagliari (Italy). My research topics are related to friction stir welding (FSW). The work done so far has focused on the application of the DOE technique in order to investigate the influence of welding parameters on the microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminum alloys (AA 2198 T3-T8) joints. At the moment I am interested in the development of a thermo-mechanical model of FSW with CFD, but I find it really difficult to find material constants (Sellars and Tegart law) for all the alloys I have to test.

Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials / Computational Chemistry at The University of Texas at Arlington


We are seeking two post-doctoral researchers to pursue computational studies of polymer-derived high-temperature ceramics, which exhibit an unusual structure at the nano-scale. Projects involve quantum and classical molecular dynamics simulations, modeling structure formation and fracture mechanics, solid state and gas-solid thermodynamic processes, and oxidation behavior.

How Should Journal Club Work at iMechanica?

This has been a topic that the editors of Journal Club have been discussing for some time now. We would like some feedback from the entire iMechanica community.



Please see attached pdf for detailed information.

The group Material Science and Simulations (Helena Van Swygenhoven) is looking for a PhD candiate perfoming atomistic simulations on dislocation/interface interaction. The group performs research in the structural and mechanical properties of metal, alloys and composites usingin-situtesting facility and is exploiding synergies with computational material science.

v.tagarielli's picture

博士生and postdocs needed soon at the University of Oxford


Dear All,

I would like to bring to your attention seven new research opportunities at the University of Oxford and at the Fraunhofer Institute in Freiburg (DE).

These are for four Post-Doctoral Research Assistantships (one at Oxford, three at Freiburg) and three PhD
Studentships (all at Oxford).

The details can be found here:

Many thanks,

Grant Holder European Commission DG-JRC Institute for Materials: Physical models for integrity of Gen IV nuclear components


Deadline for application: 1st of SeptemberWorking Place:Safety of Future Nuclear Reactors Unit, Institute for Energy, DG-JRC, European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands

Max Duration: 36 Months

Information about how to apply, job descriptons and employment conditions can be found on the website: and then click on "jobs" and "Grantholders"

strain evaluation in relaxed nanowires

Due to the existence of surface stress, the interior of a free standing nanowire is in non-zero stress state especially near free surface (see attached). This stress state corresponds to strain field in nanowires. A reference configuration would then be necessary to define the strain. Any good suggestions on the selection of the reference configuration?

Influence of moisture content on creep behaviours of polymers

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica:

冥界lo everyone?

Zhigang Suo's picture

Mechanics Genealogy

Leonhard Euler has 5 students and 56,850 academic descendents. They are all listed by theMathematics Genealogy Project. Euler himself was a student of Johann Bernoulli, and produced a student named Joseph Louis Lagrange, who in turn produced Fourier and Poisson. No wonder Euler has so many descendents by now.

一段时间我一直在思考我们如何组织nize a project to trace the genealogy of all mechanicians. It will be fun. It may even teach us some history of mechanics.

Finite element modelling fracture mechanics of polymer/clay nanocomposites

I am Cecilia. In 2007 I graduatedin mechanical engineering at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy).

During the degree courses I took several classes on structural mechanics, including, Mechanics of Composite Materials,

Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis (with Ansys and Abaqus).

Now I am a PHD student at the Univesity of Cagliari and this is the aim of my research:

Finite element modelling of polymer-clays nanocomposites with

poroelastic model

I am currently working on a poroelastic model for an oil basin-I have tried and read through Abaqus manual to find out how we can apply Biot's Coefficient in our model or how it takes care of it-Does anyone have any clue about this?


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