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Acurate Size Measurements of Nano Particles and Nano Pores Make Mechanical Understanding Easy

Encouraged by its current and prospective customers, Ebatco’s Nano Analysis and Testing Laboratory (NAT Lab) has expanded its nano/micro scale analytical and measurement capabilities significantly. More than ever before, customers can gain insights and comprehension of what is going on and why it has happened at the nano/micro scale. The nano analyses of NAT Lab now encompass nano indentation, nano scratch, nano friction, nano wear, nano compression, nano tensile, nano pull, nano adhesion, nano patterning, nano pore sizing, nano pore size distribution, nano pore density, nano particle sizing, nano particle size distribution, nano particle Zeta potential, nano particle mobility, nano liter droplet contact angle measurement... By accurately knowing particle size or pore size and density, understanding of the mechanical behaviors of nano particles or nano porous materials will come relatively easy. You are invited to explore or recommend more nano at our web

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