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The Study by Mr. Wu etc Concerning Saint-Venant’s Principle is Insignificant

The paper titled "The Study by Mr. Wu etc Concerning Saint-Venant’s Principle is Insignificant" reviewed the series of four works of “proof ofSaint-Venant’s Principle” published by Wu etc .The four articles provedneither the discrete Saint-Venant type decay of section-forces of thefinite elements in the chain model of discretization of the cylindernorthe discrete Saint-Venant-type decay of section-displacements, posed intheir papers. Furthermore, the discrete Saint-Venant typedecay ofsection-forcesis not provable.Nevertheless, the proposition of thediscrete mixed Saint-Venant type decay ofthe cylinder was discussedin Wu’s articlesby taking the “super” forms of the two single decaysmentioned above as a priori assumptions, and so the discussion is ofuncertainty, or meaningless, forproof of Saint-Venant’s Principle. See the attachmentst for the details.

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