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Patient-specific total hip replacements

Modelling total hip replacements

Corin现在的运维™技术允许外科医生understand the individual motion profile of each patient before their surgery. This gives the surgeon the information required to identify, customise and deliver a personalised total hip replacement, specifically designed to optimise biomechanics and functional joint performance. This is driven by a simple imaging protocol, featuring Simpleware software, used to generate key inputs to simulate the unique way in which patients perform their normal everyday activities. The system outputs then provide the surgeon with an accurate laser guided alignment system which allows the patient-specific implant orientation to be reliably achieved during surgery.

  • Patient-specific computational modelling from CT data processed in Simpleware ScanIP
  • Simpleware scripting used to partly automate processes
  • Optimised component alignment with the potential to improve implant longevity
  • Accurate surgical information and 3D printed instrumentation based on the patient’s unique geometry to improve intra-operative decision making

Learn more about this workflow and how it's using patient-specific computational modelling to improve patient outcomes here:


Mike Ciavarella's picture

We recently had yet another high-level scandal about hip and knee prosthesis: a famous surgeon was arrested few days ago, who was bribed by very well known multinational of prosthesis (Johnson & Johnson e B. Braun)and was a famous promoter of advanced techniques, like robot-assistent inplantation how you recommend here. He was also implanting expensive prosthesis all the time, and the accuse says, also when not needed!

So my questions is: apart from being more expensive, has this system proved any long term benefit? My information from collegues I trust is NOT!

Arrestato ortopedico a Milano: "Favoriva multinazionali protesi"

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