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how to find parameters in cohesive surface?

Dear all,

I am working on micro mechanical modeling of metals. I just have some questions that I am wondering if anyone can help me by answering them.

1. I know that for cohesive element , it is important to have the match meshes in boundaries of the surfaces but my question is that is it also important to have match meshes in boundaries when we define surface base cohesive?

2. can any one tell me that how I can find the the values that I need to define cohesive surface? I mean:

- In traction-seperation: Knn, Kss, Ktt ( should I consider module of shera and elastisity for them?)

- In damage initiation: normal, shear 1, shear2 (would I consider tensile and shear strength for these values?)

- In damage evolution: fracture energy. mix-mode ratio 1 and 2

Thank you


Bia lab ta begam chejoori :D

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