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Ph.D. positions at Oklahoma State University

Hamed Hatami's picture

We are looking for candidates for doctoral positions in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University to work in the area of mechanics of materials. Candidates should have earned a M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering or in a related field from an accredited University. Candidates with a strong background in numerical simulations, finite element analysis, and/or computational solid mechanics will be only considered. Programming expertise (languages such as C++ and FORTRAN) and experience with high performance computing are desirable. Proficiency in English, which meets the language requirements, is required. Good written and verbal communication skills and organizational talents are desirable.

Perspective applicants, please send their resume and summary of their research experience (2 page max) to Dr. Hamed Hatami-Marbini (

Evaluation of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the openings are filled.

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