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W. M. Keck Institute for Space Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships

Application Deadline: NOON PST 29 November 2011

The W. M. Keck Institute for Space Studies at the California Institute of Technology announces an opportunity for highly qualified individuals to apply for postdoctoral fellowships to conduct research in space science and engineering. The primary purpose of the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) is to develop breakthrough planetary, Earth, astrobiology, and astrophysics space mission concepts and technology by bringing together a broad spectrum of scientists and engineers for sustained scientific and technical interaction. The Keck Institute Fellowships will support outstanding recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct research that is broadly related to the goals of the Keck Institute for Space Studies and its funded study programs.

Please see additional information. This program is open to applicants of any nationality who have earned (or will have earned) their doctoral degrees on or after January 1, 2009, in any discipline. Awards will typically be for two years, starting in 2012, at an annual stipend of $62,300 plus benefits, and an additional allowance of $7,000 per year for travel and other research costs. A one-time $4,000 relocation allowance is also provided. Applicants should identify abilities and research plans that are relevant to the previous, ongoing or proposed study programs of the Institute. Consideration will also be given to applicants who propose research in areas of potential future interest to the Keck Institute. Applications must include a letter of endorsement from a Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) postdoc sponsor who is associated with the Institute (a list of eligible sponsors is available on the website). Postdoctoral fellows may reside on the Caltech campus or at JPL, based on the location of the postdoctoral sponsor.

Up to two Keck Institute Fellowships will be awarded in 2012. Caltech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, veterans and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.


The Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) announces the solicitation of KISS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program applications for fellowships to begin in 2012.

The primary purpose of the Keck Institute for Space Studies is to develop new planetary, Earth, astrobiology and astrophysics space mission concepts and technology by bringing together a broad spectrum of scientists and engineers for sustained scientific and technical interaction. These fellowships will support outstanding postdoctoral scientists to conduct research that is broadly related to the goals of the Keck Institute for Space Studies and its funded study programs.

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