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Two Ph.D. positions on Cell Biomechanics and Optical Imaging of Brain Activity at University of Florida, starting January or August 2024

Xin Tang's picture

Please forward this message to anyone who you feel might be interested in these positions. Thank you very much!

We are looking for two self-motivated, creative, and hard-working PhD students (or postdoctoral fellows) to study (1) cell mechanics during cancer invasion; and (2) brain dynamics during cognitive thinking, starting January or August 2024. These two projects will draw ideas and technologies from multiple fields including sold/fluid mechanics, cancer biology, neuroscience, optical imaging, and machine learning. The successful applicants will have a critical role in transforming the landscape of biomechanics and biophysics by developing new technologies to reveal the inner workings of living systems. Full financial supports will be provided.

If interested, please email cover letter, CV and names of references to Dr. Xin Tang ( Please see the full job posting at:

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Xin Tang's picture

1, Biophysics in tumor growth and progression: from single mechano-sensitive molecules to mechanomedicine (

2, Human cancer cells generate spontaneous calcium transients and intercellular waves that modulate tumor growth (

订阅评论为“两个博士学位Cell Biomechanics and Optical Imaging of Brain Activity at University of Florida, starting January or August 2024

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