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New Grading System

Henry Tan's picture

The assessment includes:

  • Final exam (70%)
  • Lab (10%)
  • Two take-home assignments (each worth 5%, total 10%)
  • Lecture-notes (10%)

Assessment results will benotbe posted online. Online activities are for discussions only, no grading based on that. The first course-assignment will be given in 19/10, Friday.

I will not write detailed lecture-notes (I only post the lecture-outline). Students should write andemail the lecture-notes toiMechanica@gmail.comwhithin 1 weekafter the lecture date (enforced). Lecture-note can be in PDF format (preferred) or scanned image file. Discussions on each other's lecture-note are encouraged, as this will let you learn more. There will be 20 lectures, each lecture-note worth up to 1%, depending on the academic quality.Lecture-note without details (i.e., only outline as I have posted already) will be marked as zero. The maximum of marks through lecture-notes is 10%, and will be graded for each student at the end of the semester.

back toMACE-11010 Engineering Mechanics

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我认为这是一个非常好的系统!这将ensure lecture attendance is of the utmost importance, a point suggested to us numerous times by people, but hard to actually enforce. The idea of everyones lecture notes being posted online is also a great idea, as anything that the student may have misunderstood in their notes can be commented on and corrected by others, which will fully explore the possibilities this site can provide as a resource for aspiring mechanics. It also means that if a lecture is missed for some reason notes are still attainable, and in a variety of styles so you can find notes that best suite you if you know someone who has a similar style, and it won't affect your final grade as there is some flexibility in the marks for notes as you said.

I'm very happy with this system and am glad everything has been sorted out and look forward to studying Engineering Mechanics. :)


dear Mr. Tan,

I honestly think that this system will work, as it keeps the same foundation of the traditional system, but invites the innovation of the lecture based marks. I am pretty sure most students will want to acheive these 20, as whilst recieving marks through the year, they are already basing their notes for their examination study

I am really happy with this new system, and I am sure it will work.


Dear Dr Tan

I think this will work much better because there is not any online dependent marks. We will probably end up using iMechanica but only if we have problems. The lecture notes based marks will take some emphasis off the final exam and at the same time make sure we are prepared with a decent set of notes for when the time comes that we need to revise for the exams. We can now start to build up our knowledge of Engineering Mechanics!

Thanks for taking our views into consideration


this system sounds like a good compromise between the initial method and what a large proportion of the class wanted. one question, if we have one hour lectures on thursday and friday, do we send the notes for both to you on, say, saturday, or send one lot on thursday evening and one after friday's lecture? also ,will they be posted on here in jpeg format?

well done though! :)

I am very pleased to see the way you approach things to fulfil the interest of us and choose the right compromiser. In this method of teaching and learning we can work on or weaknesses i.e. not paying attention to the lecturer, but now everybody have to listen and write it again in order to get a mark. It is also a fair system to everyone to get what they deserve and work hard to achieve their mission.

I dont want to seem sceptical but can you seriously mark 100+ peoples lecuture notes? Then comment on each persons notes aswell? Then distribute the notes back to the person who wrote them? It seems like an awful lot of work to me.

This is just one of your classes aswell, what about your other ones? I understand why you want a system like this, and i agree it is good, it will, however, be hugely time consuming on your part though.

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