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Solid Mechanics Help!


I'm a student of Mechanical Engineering.I'm really struggling in Solid Mechanics.Please Help me.I have few questions.

1. What is the best and easiest book for Solid Mechanics?

2. How can learn Solid Mechanics easily?

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The courses of solid mechanics are quite different at different places. They may concentrate on different application areas, there are some common points though. I don't know the situation that you are facing. Maybe some basic books of elasticity could be helpful.

Nanshu Lu's picture


This is open resources of the on-going solid mechanics class for Harvard graduate students taught by ProfessorZhigang Suo

In course of solid mechanics, there are different levels for leanring. In undergraduate level, there are many text books that you can find in any book centers. In graduate level, the content in this level is advance level of solid mechanics. The classical text books that appear in this level are 1) The first course in continuum mechanics by Y.C. FUNG and 2) Theory of elasticity by S.P. Timoshenko.

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