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Prof. Yonggang Huang has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020

Northwestern Professor and solid mechanician Yonggang Huang is among the 276 new members elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) in 2020. He joins the assembly that was founded in 1780 by John Adams, James Bowdoin, John Hancock, and others who believed the new republic should honor exceptionally accomplished individuals and engage them in advancing the public good.

The weblink to the new AAAS members elected in 2020:


Yihui Zhang's picture

Heartiest congratulations to Professor Huang! Very well deserved!

Zhengwei Li's picture

My heartiest congratulations to Professor Huang! Well deserved!

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

Hearty congratulations on such a distinguished and well-deserved recognition for Prof. Huang.

L. Roy Xu's picture

Another well-deserved honor.


Zheng Jia's picture

My heartiest congratulations to Prof. Huang! Very well deserved!

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