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Carlson - Mathematical Preliminaries and Continuum Mechanics 1991

Amit Acharya's picture


Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Amit: Thank you so much for your kindness. These wonderful notes bring back the memory of Don Carlson, his gental smile and warmth, his deep scholarship.

When I just finished my PhD, in 1989, he invited me to visit UIUC. That was the first time I gave a formal seminar. The entry in my record reads:

"Seminar 1. April 1989, 60 min. "Interface fracture". Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana. Host: Don Carlson."

He met me at the airport. We had lunch together. He told me about the community of rational mechanics. It was an unfamilar community to me.

We exchanged mails afterwards.

The last time I met him was in 2008, when I visted UIUC again. He was energetic. The same gental smile and warmth. He hardly changed. He came to my seminar, and we talked.

Then thenews camethat he passed away in 2010.

I added a link to these notes on the page ofLecture Notes, which people can access from the right side of iMechanca.

I would really like to appreciate your effectively written article its useful and your writing style helped me to that without any difficulty. Thanksobat kista tanpa operasicara mengobati jantung bengkakobat hipertensi.

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