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Robert M. McMeeking will receive the 2014 Timoshenko Medal

Robert M. McMeekingwill receive the 2014Timoshenko Medal. He will speak at the Annual Applied Mechanics Dinner at theInternational Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 14-20 November, Montreal, Canada. Many of us will be there to celebrate his accomplishments, present our latest work, and meet fellow mechanicians. Please mark your calendar and be there yourself. Now you may wish to reflect upon the remarkable growth of mechanics and the exceptional mechanicians by reading thespeeches of past Timoshenko Medallists.


Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Bob: Congratulations! Your work has been a lasting inspiration. Crack-tip blunting, transformation toughening, composite fatigue, active materials, cells of lithium ions and animals... In your hands, mechanics turns nebulous notions into predictive models. Thank you for being a kind, inspiring mentor.

Zhen-zhong Du's picture

Congratulations Bob! I echo Zhigang’s comments. You are such a great mechanician, mathematician and mentor. It was a great pleasure working with you!

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

My heartiest congratulations on the Timoshenko Medal, Bob! Look forward to congratulating you in person at 2014 IMECE.

Konstantin Volokh's picture

Congratulations, Bob, and Guid Luck!

D.Rittel's picture

D. Rittel

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