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Lecture Notes on Composites

John R. Willis's picture

In addition to thenotes on stabilitythat I've already posted, I have a set on Composites, which also originated from a lecture course that I gave in Ecole Polytechnique, around 2002. In the hope that they may be of interest at least to someone, here they are! Please do remember that they are just notes and may not be error-free.

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谢谢罗t for your notes.


jiangyuli's picture

Dear John,

Thanks for sharing with us these wonderful notes. Have you considered to expand them into a book, along with your later work on nonlinear composites and polycrystals? That will be really great to the field.

Best regards,


JDI's picture

So nice!


Dear Prof. Willis,

thank you for your notes.

I started my research on composites through these notes!!!!!


Sir ,

If density changes for porous material on compression, is there any numerial model for density that we can put in FEM analysis ,to obtain comapction model .

with sincerity


谢谢罗t Prof. Willis


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