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mechanical metamaterials

New Article in Science Translational Medicine: Application of Mechanical Metamaterials in Medicine

Abstract:We hypothesized that ingested warm fluids could act as triggers for biomedical devices. We investigated heat dissipation throughout the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract by administering warm (55°C) water to pigs and identified two zones in which thermal actuation could be applied: esophageal (actuation through warm water ingestion) and extra-esophageal (protected from ingestion of warm liquids and actuatable by endoscopically administered warm fluids).

Igor Berinskii's picture

Postdoctoral position in metamaterials at Tel Aviv University (Israel)


Dr. IgorBerinskiiproposes apostdoc fellowshipin his group多尺度米echanics of Solidson a topic connected to computational simulations of shape morphingmechanical metamaterialsand self-deployable structures. The candidate is expected to:

- have a strong experience in the mechanics of solids

- have excellent coding skills (C++/Python/Matlab)

- be proficient in FEA

jenda_z's picture

Ph.D. student position in mechanics of mechanical metamaterials


ProfessorMilan Jirásekat Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, is searching for a motivated Ph.D. student, who will work on our new ambitious project on non-periodic mechanical metamaterials. Candidates should be interested in and have some previous experience with mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the mechanical response of materials and structures.

Funded PhD positions at the University of Southampton (Marie-Curie Fellows)

Two PhD positions are available at the University of Southampton in the areas of:

(1) Computational modelling of complex structures and structured materials - especially those fabricated using additive manufacturing,


(2) Elastic and acoustic metamaterials using additive manufacturing.

Guoliang Huang's picture

Postdoc Position on Elastic/Acoustic Metamaterials at University of Missouri


Composite Materials & Dynamics Laboratory ( at University of Missouri develops innovative solutions for Solid Mechanics and Structured Materials, in particular the new frontiers of structural dynamics, wave propagation, micromechanics, topological and quantum mechanics, smart materials and dynamical behaviours of multi-functional materials, both man-made and formed naturally, and understanding re

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials (18th USNC/TAM)

Dear Mechanicians,

You are cordially invited to submit your abstract (text 400 words) to our Symposium onRecent Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials(symposium 352) as part of the18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanicsthat will be hosted byNorthwestern Universityat theHyatt Regency O’HarefromJune 5 to June 9, 2018.

Abstract submissionis open untilNovember 10, 2017

Sung Hoon Kang's picture

Postdoc opening in architected materials (or mechanical metamaterials) at Johns Hopkins University


One postdoctoral fellow position is available in the area of architected materials. Interested individuals should have a Ph.D. in related disciplines.We are looking for a person with strong motivation, publication record, analytical and interpersonal skills and integrity with expertise in the area of mechanics of materials and structures, metamaterials, and finite element methods.A person with previous experiences in simulations and experiments on dynamic behaviors of soft materials and wave propagation in soft cellular structures is preferred.

杰。Yin's picture

One Ph.D. opening in Mechanics of Materials for 2017 Fall


One Ph.D. position will be available in theApplied Mechanics of Materials Laboratoryof Mechanical Engineering Department at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. The position will start in the comingFall 2017.

Phononic crystal with adaptive connectivity: A new approach to 'smart' materials

In recent times, mechanical metamaterials and a phononic crystals have attracted the attention of some groups, as they allow to exploit on a larger scale phenomena known from solid state physics, such as the creation of band gaps at certain frequencies. The peculiarity of metamaterials is that their effective properties emerge from the periodic geometric organization of their unit cells rather than from the constituting bulk materials. Furthermore, metamaterials can be built in any size, ranging from the nanometer to the meter scale, and out of any material to suit different needs.


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