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contact elements

contact elements


I would like to know how contact elements are different from " general "ie non contact finite elements.

Also I would like to know how Lagrange multiplier method is used in contcat analysis.

My understanding of the Lagrange multiplier is like this: when we have to impose a constraint equation

[C][D]=[Q] as constraint between DOFs, we incude a term Y*{[[C][D]-[Q]} where Y is the Lagrange multiplier ,in the potential energy functional and minimize the functional to get the algebraic equations.

lagrange multiplier and contact elements

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I would like to know how contact elements are different from " general "ie non contact finite elements.

Also I would like to know how Lagrange multiplier method is used in contcat analysis.

My understanding of the Lagrange multiplier is like this: when we have to impose a constraint equation

[C][D]=[Q] as constraint between DOFs, we incude a term Y*{[[C][D]-[Q]} where Y is the Lagrange multiplier ,in the potential energy functional and minimize the functional to get the algebraic equations.

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