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Two PhD Positions available in Computational Multiscale Mechanics at the University of Colorado at Boulder

regueiro's picture

I am currently seeking two PhD students to pursue separate research projects in computational multiscale mechanics within the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at CU Boulder: (1) overlap coupling between a 3D ellipsoidal DEM code and a finite strain pressure-sensitive micromorphic elastoplasticity finite element implementation in an opensource C++ code Tahoe ( to model interfacial mechanics between deformable solids and dense dry granular materials; and (2) multiscale finite strain poromechanical solid-shell finite element formulation and implementation in Tahoe for the ocular lens capsule, as well as multiscale finite strain viscoelastic constitutive model and 3D finite element implementation for the lens fiber cell substance, with application to simulating blast loading of the ocular lens. For more information, refer to my webpage: should have a strong interest and background in mathematics, computer programming, constitutive modeling, and continuum mechanics, and should apply to the Engineering Science graduate program within the Department. Applicants will be considered to start in Fall 2011.

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