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Who can apply me code of FLASH ?

Recently I have some reseach on z-pinned composite. I hope use finite element method to analyse the unit cell . I found a FE code called FLASH mentioned in many papers. I think the code will be helpful to my work.But I can not got the code form my resource. So,I ask help in the forum. Two papers about the code are given in below. I am very expect for your help!!!


1.J.Y. Shu and N.A. Fleck., User's manual for finite element code for fibre microbuckling.
Technical Report CUED/C-MATS/TR.224, University of Cambridge Department of
Engineering. 1995.

2.D. Liu and N.A. Fleck., User's manual II for finite element code FLASH for fibre
microbuckling,Technical Report CUED/C-MICROMECH/TR.29, Cambridge University,
Engineering Department 1999.

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