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how to simulate fibre direction?

Hi all

I am modeling a complex muscle with fibre reinforced. The fibre direction is not constant in this muscle. It is changing with the integration point in the model. Is there anyone who got idea on how to simulate the variable fibre directions in Abaqus? Can user subroutine ORIENT do this?

Many thanks,


Cardiff University



I realise, this response is rather late.

Look into "Orient" and "Distribution" in the Abaqus user manuels. Orient allows you to specify a single coordinate syste, while distribute allows one to have a spatially varying arrangement of orientations, local to an element. From the documentation, it seemed as though it is not possible to do this on a nodal basis.

Kind Regards


Olumide's picture


'new to imechanica .. I'm trying to solve a similar problem. I would like to model the behaviour of curved muscle fibres, and I'm at a loss as to how to go about solving the problem, considering that the muscle fibres are separate entities, yet act as a single bundle.

- Olumide

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