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University of Michigan, tenure-track faculty positions

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

University of Michigan, tenure-track faculty positions

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in various areas of mechanical engineering including design and manufacturing, dynamics, systems and controls, materials and solid mechanics and thermal/fluid sciences. Candidates with research interests in automotive engineering, biotechnology, eco/sustainable systems, energy-systems, manufacturing, and micro/nano systems are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or related fields, a demonstrated record for conducting independent research, and the potential for leadership and impact in teaching and research. Appointments at all levels will be considered. For best consideration, candidates should apply byFebruary 28, 2007, but the positions will remain open until filled.

密歇根大学的is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All applicants should submit a detailed resume, a statement of research and teaching interests, and the name and address of at least five references to:

Chair, Faculty Search Committee
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2350 Hayward Street
2250 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125

Alternatively, applications can be submitted electronically by sending an e-mail with a PDF attachment

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