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Fundamentals of Fracture Symposium at DPG-EPS Meeting 2018

Erik Bitzek's picture

Sandra Korte-Kertzel, Peter Gumbsch and I are organizing a Symposium on theFundamentals of Fracture

at the joint meeting of the German and European Physical Societies (DPG and EPS) inBerlin, March 11-13 2018.

This symposium is intended as an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest scientific developments regarding the physics and mechanics of fracture. Rather than addressing specific engineering problems and approaches, this symposium will cover fracture of brittle and semi-brittle materials at a fundamental level, with a focus on crack nucleation and crack-microstructure interactions. We aim at bringing together specialists from the fields of solid state physics, materials science, continuum mechanics, statistical physics and mathematics to cover theory, multi-scale modeling and experiments related to

  • Initiation of fracture and crack nucleation
  • Grain boundary fracture and interface cracks
  • Crack – obstacle interactions
  • Interplay of fracture and plasticity
  • Fracture of nanostructures and disordered materials
  • Fracture of composites
  • Statistical aspects of fracture
  • Micromechanical and local approaches to fracture

A special joint session on advanced micro- and nanomechanical fracture testing methods is envisaged with the planed EPS mini-colloquium “Mechanical properties at small scales” organized by Gerhard Dehm, Olivier Thomas and Laurent Pizzagalli.

For more information see

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