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PhD positions and postdoc positions at the University of Padua, Italy

Lucia Nicola's picture

Two PhD positions and two postdoc positions are available at the University of Padua in the field of computational mechanics of materials. The work will involve building a multi-scale model to study contact, friction and lubrication.

For the PhD candidates, a Master Degree is required. Experience with programming is a requirement for PhD as well as postdoctoral applicants. Experience with dislocation dynamics and/or molecular dynamics simulations is appreciated.

Applications should be submitted through email to the attention of Lucia

Applicants are invited to send a motivation letter, CV, BSc and MSc transcripts, and the contact information of at least two referees. Please send a single pdf file containing all information requested, and give it a meaningful name.

The positions are fully computational. If you would love to do also/only experiments, this is not the right position for you, please do not apply.

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