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How to obtain the Force-Indentation depth curve of nanoindentation FEA?

I did FEA of nanoindentation with using Abaqus and considered displacement of reference point (RP) on the indenter as a punching tool. Moreover, Abaqus/Explicit method was applied for solving problems.

But I do not know how to plot Force-Indention depth curve via FEA with using Abaqus.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



tarkes's picture

Create a geometry set in ABAQUS for the reference point.

In the history output request-> Select Set-> Select the reference point-> Select the varibale Force component and the displacement component you need.

After solving in Results-> History output you can see Force and displacement compoent. On plotting you get Force-time and Disp-time curve. Go to X-Y data -> Create->Operate on XY Data-> Combine these two suitabbly selecting X and Y axis and finally you get Force-indendeation depth graph which is independent of time factor. I hope it helps

Dear Perma,

I did the same procedure but the result was not simillar the graph obtained from nanoindentation experimental test.

If you had time, i can E-mail graphs for you.

With warm regards,


tarkes's picture

My name is Tarkes. Please looked at the text "Permalink submitted by-------" for the name of person.

The graph obtained from FE doesnot match with experimental test, it means there could be other issues such as majorly due to material modelling or other similar issues.

You can look at my profile for contact details, may be if I can spend time, I will try to look at your graphs(Cannot assure).

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