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Ph.D. position(s) in the Atomistic and Multiscale Mechanics Group at the Iowa State University

Shuozhi Xu's picture

Graduate student applications are invited for PhD positions in the Atomistic and Multiscale Mechanics Group in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Iowa State University. Self-motivated students in the area of theoretical, computational and applied mechanics, computational materials science, or condensed matter physics are encouraged to apply. Research topics cover multiscale simulation of dislocation, fracture, phase transformation and heat transfer in materials. Individuals who have research experience in one or more of the following areas are especially desired:

Continuum Mechanics

Advanced Finite Element Method (not just using software)

Molecular Dynamics, LAMMPS, GULP

Dislocation Dynamics, Phase Field Modeling, XFEM, Crystal Plasticity, Boltzmann Transport Equation

Multiscale Modeling of Materials


To apply for the position, please submit a single PDF file via email ( with (i) your most recent CV; (ii) a research statement; (iii) any relevant courses taken, as well as (iv) a list of three references. Please name your file “FirstName.LastName.pdf”. The detailed information about the PI can be found at:

订阅评论”在th博士位置(s)e Atomistic and Multiscale Mechanics Group at the Iowa State University

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