



约翰·l·拉姆利获得这枚奖章,我深感荣幸。当然,像这样的奖项不是由默默无闻的组织颁发的,而是由一群个人颁发的,他们在不再烟雾弥漫的房间里投票;尤其令人欣慰的是,我的许多同事都认为我配得上这一荣誉。正如简·阿肯巴赫(Jan Achenbach)去年所说的那样,我们是“人造卫星一代”,我们太年轻,不认识季莫申科,事实上,早在我来康奈尔大学之前,他就与康奈尔大学有一些联系。虽然我一生都在学习流体力学,但我一开始就学习了固体力学的所有标准课程:材料强度、弹性、板壳、屈曲;几乎每一本都有季莫申科或他的朋友或亲戚写的文章,这一切都清楚得令人钦佩。我非常感激他。


我听说过一个关于L. M. Milne-Thomson的故事,我们都知道他在理论水动力学和空气动力学方面的工作。许多年前,在华盛顿地区的一个盛大宴会上,他被邀请在晚宴后讲话。他可能得了奖;我不确定。出席宴会的夫人们都穿着优雅的礼服,还有身穿A级制服的海军军官。令大家吃惊的是,他说他想做一个技术讲座。过了一会儿,他们找到了一块小小的便携式黑板,当他在黑板上写满方程式时,他让两名海军上将轮流在他的头顶上擦来擦去。今晚我不那么做了。


我父亲是一名建筑工程师、diy工匠、汽车爱好者和业余艺术家。我最早的记忆是被允许在我们的哈德逊河上清洗火炮车轮的辐条,而爸爸则用麂皮擦车。我们总是有一辆有点特别,有点与众不同的车。当我们开车绕着底特律转的时候,爸爸会指出一些他曾参与设计或建造的建筑。我记得每个周六的早晨,我都被带到已经完工的建筑和建筑工地,他们会给我指出各种各样的缺陷。爸爸是个要求很高的人;一切都必须如此。安·兰德斯(Ann Landers)最近收到一封信,信中把工程师形容为不妥协、不灵活、完美主义者。那当然是爸爸。他的一个朋友说查理是个很好的人,但是他非常讨厌为他工作。 For years my mother talked about the dog house Dad built. It was large enough for a child to play in, with insulation and a shingled roof, and a baffle at the door to keep the cold wind out. It was a lot better built than many houses for people - certainly than the ones in Dade county in Florida. Dad never did manage to teach me how to do lettering and make arrowheads on drawings in a thoroughly professional manner, though God knows he tried. He also tried to get me always to make a complete set of drawings before I fabricated something; it never took - I always preferred to plan the project in my head, and make modifications as I went along; very unprofessional. Dad had ambiguous feelings about engineering, and from time to time thought he might have been happier as an architect. He once asked me if I was prepared to spend my life among these gray, inarticulate people. That's not entirely unfair, though I have grown rather fond of many of these people, who are only gray if you don't look beneath the surface. And there are not many, but enough poets and artists among us, so I am happy.

这就是我进入工程学的真正原因。我一直喜欢机械,喜欢制造东西,喜欢建造东西。但我一生都在做研究科学家,这和研究科学家不太一样。似乎当我研究一个问题时,即使是一个实际问题,我把它变成了一个研究项目;我把它切得越来越细,直到只剩下最基本的部分。事实上,我指导过的一半论文都是实验性的——好的实验更接近工程学;你通常有机会设计一些设备,并看着它成为现实。当然,这和你自己做是不一样的。晚上和周末,我在谷仓里修复旧车——这满足了我制造东西的欲望。它也满足了工匠般的愿望,在你的头脑中设计,手边有材料和工具,并随着你的进行进行修改。 I get tired of too much calculation, too much precision, which I get enough of professionally. In addition, what I do professionally has a very delayed payoff - something of the order of twenty years or more. It is nice to do something that provides shorter-term gratification. It is also peaceful out in the barn.


也许更重要的是,我一直想参与到真实的事物中来。也就是说,我从来不想过多地抽象我所做的事情,把它从现实世界、从应用程序中移开太远。当我在研究生院的时候,研究一些与现实世界无关的干净、整洁的问题是一件很好的事情。当我在宾夕法尼亚州立大学和乔治·威斯利森纳斯一起找到第一份工作时,我与加菲尔德·托马斯水隧道以及航空航天工程系有联系。这条水洞是世界上最大的高速水洞,是宾夕法尼亚州立大学为海军海上系统司令部运营的应用研究实验室的一部分。该实验室负责海底战争的各个方面。在水洞,我很快就沉浸在鱼雷和潜艇引起的非常实际的问题中:主要是各种减少湍流表面摩擦阻力的方案,以及与水洞试验有关的许多问题。起初,我对复杂的跨学科问题感到有点震惊。我一直在不知不觉中被训练得有点轻视实际问题;不知何故,如果你关心的是真正的问题,这表明你没有足够的智慧去发现真正问题背后的根本问题。 It seemed that, to be socially acceptable in my circles, you never mentioned the real problem, but only the fundamental problem that you had abstracted from it. I discovered fairly fast that this was not such a straightforward matter, and that the business of reducing a real problem to a series of connected fundamental problems, all simple enough to resolve, without throwing out the baby with the bath water, was very challenging. Of course, in this reduction process you have to clip away everything that seems extraneous, hoping to be left with something that, while only a skeleton, still shares enough with the real problem to shed light on it. I think my colleagues often thought that I had pruned a bit too much, leaving a stunted stub that could not survive. However, even if they could no longer see the connection, I always saw the theoretical result as still directly connected to the real world. I also quickly came to see what a tremendously rich environment this was, how stimulating, how many problems there were to solve. I think it is a great mistake to get too far away from the applications; you dry up, you starve.

在过去的几年里,我设法把我的爱好和我的职业结合起来。当我还是一名资历较浅的教员时,我教本科生。然而,当我变得更年长时,我只教研究生,多年来一直如此。当我去康奈尔大学的时候,我被告知我必须教本科生,但事实上我从来没有被要求过,我也从来没有自愿过。然而,三年前,我得到了一个我无法拒绝的offer,现在我负责汽车工程的本科课程,有50到100名学生。这是我们的顶点设计课程之一,是孩子们在其他课程中学到的很多东西的一个很好的综合。教书很有趣,我喜欢本科生,尽管他们还是让我有点害怕。年轻人可能很挑剔,要求很高。我认为养育一些孩子会有所帮助。我教这门课的第一年,我的教学评估非常糟糕——我希望院长永远不要看到这些评估。 I must say they were richly deserved. Now, however, the evaluations have substantially improved, and they no longer give me nightmares.

随着年龄的增长,我发现自己越来越像一个科研管理者。我相信我并不是独一无二的——我们所有人都会遇到这种情况,但这有点令人难过。也就是说,我自己做事情的机会越来越少。我在监督其他人玩得开心。现在,我生活和工作的科学世界的结构与我年轻时不同了。世界本身在变化,当然对我来说也在变化,因为我变老了。各国的变化也不尽相同。无论如何,目前,在我这个年纪,在这个国家,一个成功的科学家必须有一个大的项目,这意味着一大堆的合同,学生,博士后,同事,访客。对于在这里工作的人来说,这是一个很好的环境——我试图让它成为这样,回忆我早年的生活。我当然非常感谢我的论文导师在我们周围创造的环境。 Mostly that is simply a matter of collecting an interesting group of people, and letting them interact. I was an only child, and when I was little I became accustomed to playing by myself. Probably because of that, what attracted me to science was the pleasure of working alone at a problem uninterruptedly, following thoughts to their conclusions, trying various possibilities. I now recognize that that is not always an efficient way to work - it sometimes makes more sense to break off, and sleep on a problem, or do something unrelated, or go to the library and read something that someone else has said on the subject. That was something I never wanted to do when I was young - I didn't care what someone else had said - I wanted to do it myself. In any event, this lovely environment for everybody else is not really a nice environment for me. Whether it is desirable or not, uninterrupted work is rarely possible for me. I function in the interrupt mode, which I understand is the norm for managers. In addition, I do virtually nothing myself, but must act collaboratively with others, and at second hand. This makes me feel somewhat like a child who is forced to share his toys.

格特鲁德·斯坦(Gertrude Stein)将政治家比作垃圾收集者;他们做一些必要的,但不是很令人兴奋的事情来维持这个地方的运行,直到系统崩溃,垃圾没有被收集起来,他们才真正注意到。管理就是这样,即使是研究管理。这些天我做的很多事情都是道德上的垃圾收集。


有时它就像侦探工作。让我告诉你们我去年研究的一些东西,它将说明一个复杂的,跨学科的实际问题是如何导致基本问题的。这是在大气湍流领域,我在宾夕法尼亚州立大学工作了几年。有些材料可能不熟悉,但我想你会发现逻辑链很有趣。我的客户是一个养羊的农民,他的羊似乎因为一家重水厂排放的二氧化硫和硫化氢而濒临死亡。二氧化硫和硫化氢浓度足够高时都是有毒的。这位农民离核电站只有1.5公里,非常近,但任何正常的计算都表明,他的羊接受的浓度水平被认为是完全安全的。此外,他的农场附近的监测站显示浓度很低。我必须解释一下硫化氢和二氧化硫是如何排放出来的。硫化氢用于制造重水的过程,每年必须对制造重水的塔进行一次清洗。 After as much hydrogen sulfide as possible has been removed from the towers, the majority of the remainder is burned on a flare stack and converted to sulfur dioxide. The plant was right on the edge of one of the great lakes, and the stack was close to the water. After several false starts, we finally realized that the on-shore breeze from the lake, during the spring and summer, was stably stratified, and thus not turbulent, from traveling over the cooler lake water for hundreds of kilometers. The top of the stack was in this stably stratified air. Thus, the stack plume did not disperse. The cool, stable air, when it started over the warmer land, began to grow an internal turbulent boundary layer, and when this reached the height of the stack plume, the plume was sucked into the first downgoing eddy, and taken to the surface. The distances were about right so that the place where this happened was right over my client's farm, and the first descending eddy was probably caused by his cool, insulated farm buildings. His sheep were thus getting the stack plume at nearly full strength. The plume, of course, did not descend on the monitoring station. The matter was complicated by the fact that the sulfur dioxide was considerably heavier than air, and could lie on the ground in hollows among the vegetation, where the sheep would be immersed in it.







