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博士后位置在智利(非线性弹性,continuum mechanics)


The Superior Councils for Science and Technological Development of Chile will
call on April for the FONDECYT Postdoctoral Grants Competition.

The available grants are for 2 or 3 years. The applicants must have obtained
their Doctorate degrees approximately between July of 2010 and the end of
September of 2013 (the exact dates will appear in the page of the agency later

The successful applicant who is awarded a grant is expected to have a full time
commitment to his (her) research work. However, the project execution is
compatible with other paid academic, research and/or extension activities that
involve a commitment of up to 6 hours per week in the Sponsoring Institution.
These positions will start in October of 2013 or shortly thereafter. The
results are usually known at the end of August or the beginning of September.

The grant consist of a payment of around $36000US per year, plus up to $9000US for travel
and general expenses (related with the research) and up to approximately $6000US
as initial expenses (for tickets and expenses for settling down in the
country). As a reference, the rent for a two bedrooms apartment in Santiago
costs around between $600US to $700US per month. The payment mentioned above
corresponded approximately to the payment considered the last year, every year
the amount is raised.

The interested person must contact a sponsoring researcher in a university in
Chile, and with his (her) help to prepare the application for funding. The
successful applicant will work with the sponsoring researcher but will also be
able to develop his (her) own research in the sponsoring institution.

The online system for applications will be operative from mid-April and the deadline for
the submission of the applications is mid-May, 2013.

If there is a person interested in doing research in nonlinear elasticity and continuum
mechanics with me as a sponsoring researcher, please feel free to contact me
for further enquiries ( My recent research interests are on
the developing of some new constitutive models for elastic bodies, nonlinear
magneto and electro-elasticity and also on the modelling of residual stresses
in arteries. More information is available in my web page:

For a list of my publications you can see:

I would be ready to sponsor two or three people in order to apply for this funding. I am
looking for a person with a strong background in nonlinear elasticity and continuum
mechanics, who would be interested in doing research in both theoretical and/or
numerical topics within those areas of knowledge.

More information about this grant will appear in the following page (the main pdf
documents about the application procedure will appear in English and Spanish; I
have copies of the different documents for the application for the last year
competition, which do not change significantly from year to year):

The department of Mechanical Engineering of Universidad de Chile is a department
with a small active group of researchers, who work in areas such as solid and
fluid mechanics, heat transfer, material science and robotics. More information
about the department can be found in the web page (in Spanish)

I decided to post the information about this grant well in advance, because the
application procedure requires writing a proposal, which has to be prepared
carefully by the interested applicant with the help of the sponsoring
researcher. Therefore, I will receive emails from interested people only until
the end of March, in order to be able to help effectively the interested people
with their proposals.

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