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Mohsin Hamzah's picture

Hello, I need help for using finite element method in modelling rubber or rubber-like materials?

Thanks in advance


zishun liu's picture

Dear Muhsin,

You may refer to LS-DYNA material type 38. This model is for the definition of rubber like foams of polyurethane.



Mohsin Hamzah's picture

Dear Zishun

Thank you for your commet. I am working with filled-Rubber, the filler material is carbon black, so the Blatz-Ko model, as I think, is not suitable to model my materials.


Roozbeh Sanaei's picture

Tahoe is a research-oriented, open source platform for the development of numerical methods and material models. it can be use for modelling such materials and it's free.

Jinxiong Zhou's picture

Rubber-like materials are usually treated as nearly incompressible hyperelastic materials, and the most common model for this class of materials is the Mooney-Rivlin model. I don't know whether it is suitable for your filler-rubber material. For FEM simulation of large deformation of rubber-like materials, both material and geometrical nonlinearities should be taken into account. Another important issue associated with the simulation of rubber-like materials is the volume-locking problem. There are several approaches to handle this issue, for example, the mixed formulation method and the penalty method.

By the way, the meshfree method is another alternative to FEM for the large deformation of rubber-like materials. The relevant reference of meshfree method for large deformation of rubber material can be found in the paper of J. S. Chen: J. S. Chen et al., Reproducing kernel particle method for large deformation analysis of nonlinear structures, Computer Methods in Apllied Mechanics and Engineering, 139(1996), 195-229.

huang peng's picture

MSC.Marc considers both the viscous effects and the hyperelastic aspects of the materials behavior. These materials are characterized by their elastic strain
energy function.

I learn MARC for 2 years,and use ANSYS for 7 years.I think MARC have strong nonlinear ability to simulate rubber or rubber-like material perfectly.

As you know,MARC is so difficult to can obtain many useful information from bbs,and learn how to use MARC.may be I can send some useful information to you,if you contact me.

Tran Dinh Quan's picture

I'm a fifth years student. I'm doing my final thesis about "finite element method and its application in contact analysis". I used Abaqus for a year. I'm have many trouble when i use abaqus to define my contact model, i calculate deformation for a cross-section of a asysmetry ring. I need some help about abaqus technique. Thank you very much
Tran Dinh Quan
Department of Aeronautical engineering
Ho Chi Minh city university of Technology
Viet Nam National University - Ho Chi Minh city

eddyready's picture

Hi buddy, leave abaqus and try to examine ansys 13 workbench,.... there are lots of improvements in nonlinera contact analysis in Ansys 13 workbench,...

good luck buddy.

Johannes T.B. Overvelde's picture

I have also problems in convergence when using contact in Abaqus implicit. Changing to Abaqus explicit does not have this issue (althoug small timestep is required). Also in explicit you can select an option such that all contact is taken into account, instead of having to define master slave surfaces.

does this help you?

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