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How to add images into Random image appearing at the left column of iMechanica?

Rui Huang's picture

A few days ago, Xi Chen uploaded two pictures of Raymond D. Mindlin inone post. I was expecting to see the pictures (at least one of them) showing up at the left column as random image. However, it has yet to happen. So I am asking: how do we add images into the list of random images?

Xi Chen's picture

Rui, I tried to add the color photo of Mindlin, through the "add image" link at the bottom of the page. I created a new post this way. After I clicked the random image for over 100 times, it finally appeared under the random image in the left column...

Zhigang Suo's picture

There is an old post with more details onhow to add imageto your post or to the leftside of iMechanica.

Update: I've just updated the post. Rui and Xi, please feel free to modify the post.

Teng Li's picture

Simplifed version of Zhigang's post onhow to add image:

First way, add an image through hyperlinking to an image existing somewhere else on internet. This is the way Xi added the two Midlin's images in his post. Both images are stored on columbia university server. Image added by this way won't appear in the random image.

Second way, upload the image from your computer to iMechanica server. In fact, random image is chosen from a pool of images uploaded to iMechanica.

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