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New Release of General Purpose Micromechanics Code: VAMUCH 3.0

Wenbin Yu's picture

I am writing to let you know the release of VAMUCH 3.0, the 3rd version of our general-purpose micromechanics code. The main new features are:

1. Multiphysics capability: VAMUCH can be used to homogenize heterogeneous materials which have coupled or uncoupled responses to mechanical field, electric field, magnetic field, and thermal field. It not only predicts elastic, conductive, dielectric, magnetic, and diffusive properties of heterogeneous materials but also coupled properties such as coefficients of thermal expansion, pyroelectric, pyromagnetic, piezoeletric, piezomagnetic, and/or eletromagnetic properties, as well as the local fields corresponding to these multiphysical responses.

2. The efficiency and capacity has been significantly increased by using a new method of optimizing the mesh, and multifrontal out-of-core linear solver HSL MA77, and the METIS package. VAMUCH can compute much large models with many more degrees of freedom in a much more efficient way. Many times or even up to one hundreds times increase in efficiency is also possible for some big models.

3. Model UCs with curved edges/surfaces and also relax the restriction that the origin of the coordinate must be at the UC center.

4. Model temperature-dependent materials with/without assuming small temperature variations. One single run of VAMUCH can generate a series of temperature-dependent effective properties.

If you are interested in trying this code, please let me know. I hope this code will be useful for the mechanics community.


Associate Professor
Utah State University


Wenbin Yu's picture

I am very happy with the signficant interest in the code. I hope those who have requested the code can find it helpful for their research. We are constantly working on various fronts of micromechanics, hoping they will be implemented in the code soon.

Wenbin Yu's picture

Now the code can be freely download

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