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An interview with New World Times (新世界时报)

Zhigang Suo's picture

The following interview appeared in New World Times (新世界时报)on 23 February 2007.


(以下简称):锁志刚教授您好!首先非常感谢您接受我的采访。我是从ISI科学论文引证系统知道您。2002年8月各个领域的统计中,论文引证最多的文章有你和(John Hutchinson)教授的论文。据统计您的论文当年被引用达三百多次,目前已经达到七百多次。您能否给我们一些关于您的背景介绍?

锁志刚教授:我在国内学的是应用力学,就是将牛顿力学用在结构上,如桥梁、飞机、建筑物等。如纽约的世界贸易中心大楼被飞机撞了以后,它不是马上倒塌,而是过了一个小时才倒下来, 为什麽?力学就可以研究它是如何倒下来的。另外如桥梁,如果时间长了或者震动得利害,就会断塌。飞机是如何飞行的,它的翅膀是否会断掉。所有的这些现象中,有两个关键词,一个是结构,另一个是材料。东西坏不坏跟这两项都有关系。材料是金属的、陶瓷的还是塑胶的?结构是什么样子?是建筑物、桥梁、还是飞机?力学最近发展到研究很小的结构。我自己做的比较多的是计算机的芯片中的力学问题。芯片的结构很复杂,里面有薄膜、还有很细的导线。材料会热胀冷缩。制造芯片的时候,一般都是五百度以上。芯片又是有很多材料组成,有金属、陶瓷、半导体、塑胶。从五百度降低到室温,每个材料热胀冷缩的程度不一样,这样芯片里就有了力,这个力控制不好就会造成破坏。芯片里边的导线都很细,有的比细胞还要小一千倍。所有的导线都要载电流。由于导线很细,电流的密度非常之高。电流把原子从导线的一端输送到另一端,就会在导线一端造成空洞或在另一端把导线撑破。芯片上有很多力学问题,这也都是目前我所做的力学问题。




锁教授:我八十年代在哈佛做研究生。八十年代之前,研究金属材料的机械性能非常流行。用多少力可以把一个东西拉断,测量出一些数据以后,就可以应用于设计大的结构上。新的方向开始的时间不是很明确, 但大约从八十年代起,随着计算机和各种电器的广泛应用,结构力学的研究转向材料里面的微小结构。工业材料大多是复合材料。东西断了,那是分子分开了。为了增加强度及韧度,往往需要用两种或更多种材料制成复合材料。比方说,中国农村用土坯盖房,土坯里掺有稻草,这是最原始的复合材料。橡胶、树脂、碳纤维等也可以制成复合材料。它们和我们当今做的微小结构复合材料有许多共性。








锁教授:我在国内西安交大读研究生时的导师非常强。我从本科开始,就遇到了很多很好的老师,不论是教学还是研究。他们的科研态度、学问功底等都很强。我1986年来哈佛,进工程系师从John Hutchinson。在哈佛读博士要修满12门课。第一年要修八门课。作业很多,老师教得也很深。我头8门课学得很累,主要是语言障碍。上课除了跟力学有关的,其他的基本上听不懂,都要回来看书。读书本来就比听来得慢,再加上是英文的东西,所以学得极辛苦。我在国内虽然力学学得比较好,但主要学得是结构力学;在美国学得是材料、微小结构等,新术语很多,上课就听不懂。在国内没学过的课程,过来学就是很大的挑战。但我的成绩最后基本上都是A,好像只有一个A减。修完头一年的8门课我就开始跟导师做科研。我做了一年多的研究,到了89年春季答辩,总共在哈佛不到三年。


锁教授:我在加大圣塔-芭芭拉分校受到两个系的聘用,机械系和材料系。我选择做材料方面的研究是由于Tony Evans教授。那时材料系成立不久,系主任就是Tony Evans。他是我导师的合作者,我通过导师也和他有一些合作。Evans教授是材料学方面的权威。做教授要独立开创局面,我一开始难以适应。头一两年非常辛苦。一大堆的要做的工作不想做,尤其是以前从未有过的行政工作。刚开始也有些好高骛远。后来就慢慢有了经验, 工作各方面就顺利起来。我给自己订了基本的原则:要做和别人不一样的东西,要做又创新的东西,不能再重复读博士期间的东西。于是我就开始做与电子和电子材料有关的力学和材料学研究。这是较早开始用力学的原理和方法来研究芯片的结构的研究工作。我开始作这方面的研究也是碰巧。当时IBM的人看到我在做薄膜。薄膜在很多地方都可以用。在工业界,你做芯片和你把芯片粘到什么地方是完全不一样的。IBM有个人听说了我,就请我去讲座,并且想聘用我,问我可以接受什么样的条件。我说还是愿意呆在学校里。通过这次访问,我了解到电子迁移。我就觉得这也是力学的问题。还写了几篇文章,拿了些项目。当时做了很多,也学了很多东西。通过这个研究认识了许多工业界的人。
































Enjoyed reading the piece, and can't help sharing it with my students/associates who read Chinese...:)

Rui Huang's picture


Henry Tan's picture

2002年 cited 312 times (by January 2002) 的牛paper是(//


最初知道这江湖上的 Z. Suo 姓锁名志刚是在做毕业设计的时候. 有一次见到导师杨卫桌上有封信,是用中文手写的,署名为锁志刚。当时我在做原子-连续介质的宏微观模拟,并未太注意他的文章。




Henry Tan's picture

L. Roy Xu's picture

I read this article several times and believe Zhigang’s story is not just a story of a successful Chinese in the US. It is indeed an interesting story from an engineering student to an outstanding faculty. I hope some important parts could be translated into Englishso our graduate students, researchers, engineers and faculty might be beneficial from this short interview.


给我这种在国内读phd ,却一心想着朝国外跑的人 不啻是当头一棒

zishun liu's picture

The interview is very good story. I have shared this story with many my friends even some are not in the fields of Mechanics.

Liu's picture

非常好的故事, 将与家人共享。

我在MPI, Rühle 领导的系工作时,曾和TONY在TBC及其它涂层的研究课题有过几次讨论,

并了解到你和哈佛的工作。非常遗憾, 未能在Stuttgart相见。

庆幸的是我能够与另二位杰出的华人Mechanicians, 高华建, 黄永刚

有过几次讨论, 颇觉收益。遗憾的是华建也离开了德国。


Temesgen Markos's picture

I am so eager to read it if I find an English version.

非常好的访谈! "老老实实做人,实实在在做事。"


huang peng's picture

when I am a young college student in XJTU,I usually listen to SUO Z's legend.In mechanic department of XJTU,Suo is the best graduate.We make suo as the model of graduate of Mechanic department of XJTU.

Ji Wang's picture

The interview is really an enlightment to students in Mechanics. I have posted it to our students list and another Applied Mechanics site:

Hope more people can read it in China.

Henry Tan's picture

Dear Ji,

It is nice to see another mechanics blog with a lot of information. Keep working on it, and let more people know and join in.

MichelleLOyen's picture

The following is an English translation by Meredith Oyen.

The following interview appeared in New World Times (新世界时报)on 23 February 2007.

特约编辑:弥递雅 Interviewer: Mi Diya

(以下简称):锁志刚教授您好!首先非常感谢您接受我的采访。我是从ISI科学论文引证系统知道您。2002年 8月各个领域的统计中,论文引证最多的文章有你和(John Hutchinson)教授的论文。据统计您的论文当年被引用达三百多次,目前已经达到七百多次。您能否给我们一些关于您的背景介绍?

A: Professor Zhigang Suo, hello! First, thank you very much for agreeing to this interview. I know of you from the ISI paper citation system. In August 2002 in every aspect of the statistics, your paper with Professor John Hutchinson was the most cited. According to the statistics, your paper was cited more than 300 times that year, to now, it has already reached more than 700 times. Can you tell me a little about your background?

锁志刚教授:我在国内学的是应用力学,就是将牛顿力学用在结构上,如桥梁、飞机、建筑物等。如纽约的世界贸易中心大楼被飞机撞了以后,它不是马上倒塌,而是过了一个小时才倒下来, 为什麽?力学就可以研究它是如何倒下来的。另外如桥梁,如果时间长了或者震动得利害,就会断塌。飞机是如何飞行的,它的翅膀是否会断掉。所有的这些现象中,有两个关键词,一个是结构,另一个是材料。东西坏不坏跟这两项都有关系。材料是金属的、陶瓷的还是塑胶的?结构是什么样子?是建筑物、桥梁、还是飞机?力学最近发展到研究很小的结构。我自己做的比较多的是计算机的芯片中的力学问题。芯片的结构很复杂,里面有薄膜、还有很细的导线。材料会热胀冷缩。制造芯片的时候,一般都是五百度以上。芯片又是有很多材料组成,有金属、陶瓷、半导体、塑胶。从五百度降低到室温,每个材料热胀冷缩的程度不一样,这样芯片里就有了力,这个力控制不好就会造成破坏。芯片里边的导线都很细,有的比细胞还要小一千倍。所有的导线都要载电流。由于导线很细,电流的密度非常之高。电流把原子从导线的一端输送到另一端,就会在导线一端造成空洞或在另一端把导线撑破。芯片上有很多力学问题,这也都是目前我所做的力学问题。

锁志刚教授:在中国,我学习应用mechanics, the use of Newtonian mechanics in structures, like bridges, airplanes, architecture, etc. Like when the World Trade Center in New York was it by airplanes, they didn’t immediately fall, but fell after an hour or so, why is that? Mechanics can help explain why they fell. Another example is bridges, like when after a long time or a strong earthquake, bridges collapse. How do planes fly, will their wings break. In these phenomenon, there are two crucial words: one is structure and the other is material. Whether things break is related to these two things. Are the materials metal, ceramics or plastic? What form does the structure take? Is it a building, a bridge or a plane? Mechanics have recently developed into studying very small structures. What I do most is work on the mechanical problems of microchips. The structure of microchips is very complicated, inside there are membranes, and also very fine wires. The materials can expand with heat and shrink with cooling. When manufacturing microchips, most of the time it is at more than 500 degrees. Microchips are also made up of a number of different materials: they contain metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and plastics. When going from 500 degrees to room temperature, the extent to which each material expands and contracts is different, this kind of microchip has a kind of strength, but if that strength is not controlled well it will break. The wires in microchips are very fine, some are a thousand times smaller than cells. All of the wires have to conduct electrical current. Because the wires are very fine, the density of the electrical current is high. The electrical current transports the atom from one end of the wire to the other, so the wire on one end can have holes or at the other end can be broken. In mircrochips there are a number of mechanics problems, so this is what I’ve studied recently.


A: At the present, how does your research group rank in terms of international research on the microchip? Is your group an innovator or are there others doing this type of research?


Professor Suo: There are so many different questions and aspects to research when it comes to microchips. Large international corporations like Intel, IBM, AMD etc. are all doing research on these questions. What we do in the university most often is collaborate with the corporate world. There are also schools other than Harvard. MIT, Stanford, Brown etc. these schools all have people doing this work. Everyone’s methods and means are different, and what they are researching is different, so it is very hard to say who is the top group. We are working on every sort of failure mechanism. Our research focus is on each kind of phenomenon in which strength is broken. We use math and mechanics methods and apply them to microchips. For example, we will use computer programming to research some phenomena. Some programming is ready-made, and some we have to create ourselves. How we explain the results of our calculations is very important. We need to use calculations and set up models to better understand how each phenomenon occurs. Microchips are just one aspect of our research. We also research some basic questions, like the movement of atoms in crystal surfaces and how electric fields effect changes in materials.


A: In China you studied the structural mechanics of large objects, why is it that after you came here you changed to study the structure of small objects?


锁教授:我是哈佛大学的一名研究生in the 1980s. Before the 1980s, researching the mechanics of metallic materials was very popular. How much force would cause an object to break, then after surveying a certain amount of data, you could apply it to designing large mechanisms. It is not very clear when the new direction started, but it was around the 1980s, when computers and other electronics came into wide use, structural mechanics research turned to the structure of very small materials. Industry materials are mostly complex materials. When things break, the parts have split apart. In order to increase strength and pliability, it’s often necessary to use two kinds or even more materials to create complete materials. For example, in the Chinese countryside, people use dirt to build houses, in that dirt there is straw mixed it; this is the most basic of complex materials. Rubber, resin, carbon fiber etc. can also be included in complex materials. As we create very small mechanism of complex materials today, they are especially useful.


A: Speaking of the articles that I mentioned earlier, and the fact that your article has been referenced more than 300 times in 2002, today already more than 700 times, can you introduce to everyone the value of some of the research outcomes, meanings, and applications?


锁教授:在1989年和我的博士毕业,and I wrote this article in 1990. At that time I was very young, so publishing was very important to me. My advisor was a good person, very willing to help me in every way. As a result, when we wrote an article together, I wrote half and he wrote half. In this article I expanded upon some of the foundational elements of my dissertation. We made an exhaustively detailed summary of our field of research at that time. The foundation of the article was in other articles in the past, but we organized it. We also added some new content. So the article was very successful, not only in terms of the exhaustive detail of the content, but also in using a great deal of charts and formulas. When people doing this kind of research read it the didn’t need to go off to other articles to find other information. After industry researches read it, they also thought it was extremely significant as a guide. Microelectronic technology developed quickly, as it was in the process of developing the industries accumulated a lot of questions. The article was written at the beginning of the 90s, and by the mid-90s I knew a number of people doing this kind of research. Some of my students, collaborators went into industry. Industry researchers rarely publish articles, but they use the results of scientific research conducted in the academic world. Once industry was using it, the importance became clear. Because it was written with so much detail, whether in terms of method or theory, it was applicable to industry. I was very luck to have the opportunity to write this article.


A: From this it is easy to see that a person’s success and his advisor and authoritativeness in the field is very closely connected.


Professor Suo: Yes. But another aspect of why this article is so widely cited shows the importance of theoretical research in applications. How useful this article was I really didn’t know myself at the time. Whether or not an article will have great meaning is something you can’t see until years after it is published. Many people before us conducted foundational research, and since then this research has become very important, completely unexpectedly. Our work provided a bridge between foundational research and industry applications.


A: Can you give us a simple introduction of your life from your childhood until you left China. Like the basics of your elementary and middle school education, including your interest in science, and how much this contributed to your current accomplishments?


Professor Suo: My mother and father were originally English professors and Xi’an Jiaotong University. When I was young, they taught me English, but I wasn’t interested. When the gang of four fell in 1976, I had just started middle school. In my second year of elementary school, I had participated in a math competition and didn’t do too badly, I placed in the rankings. After that I participated in many math competitions, and got a number of awards for placing in the rankings, all the way until I got to Xi’an Jiaotong University to study and won first place in the Shaanxi Province higher education math contest. These math contests were very helpful to my later educational career. When it came time to selecting a university major, I had no choice, my father brought me to get advice from a XJTU vice-president. He recommended that I study mechanics. My parents only thought to have me study at XJTU, they never even considered having me try to test into other schools. So my greatest hope was to test into XJTU. The mechanics major at Xi’an Jiaotong University was among the best in the country. I graduated from my undergraduate course in 1985, and was recommended to start as a graduate student. At the time the mechanics department chairman was my graduate advisor. He wanted to send XJTU’s best students to America’s best university for advanced studies, so he encouraged and recommended me to go to Harvard for my Ph.D.


A: Can we talk a bit about your experience studying in America, and have you compare American and Chinese graduate students and professors?

锁教授:我在国内西安交大读研究生时的导师非常强。我从本科开始,就遇到了很多很好的老师,不论是教学还是研究。他们的科研态度、学问功底等都很强。我1986年来哈佛,进工程系师从John Hutchinson。在哈佛读博士要修满12门课。第一年要修八门课。作业很多,老师教得也很深。我头8门课学得很累,主要是语言障碍。上课除了跟力学有关的,其他的基本上听不懂,都要回来看书。读书本来就比听来得慢,再加上是英文的东西,所以学得极辛苦。我在国内虽然力学学得比较好,但主要学得是结构力学;在美国学得是材料、微小结构等,新术语很多,上课就听不懂。在国内没学过的课程,过来学就是很大的挑战。但我的成绩最后基本上都是A,好像只有一个 A减。修完头一年的8门课我就开始跟导师做科研。我做了一年多的研究,到了89年春季答辩,总共在哈佛不到三年。

Professor Suo: When I was studying at Xi’an Jiaotong University the advisors were very strong. Starting from my undergraduate studies, I met many very good teachers, whether they were teaching or engaged in research. Their attitude toward scientific research and their academic backgrounds were all very strong. When I arrived at Harvard in 1986 and entered the engineering department, my teacher was John Hutchinson. To get a Ph.D. from Harvard I needed to take twelve courses. The first year I took eight courses. I had a lot of homework, and the teachers taught a lot of detail. I was so tired taking those eight courses, most importantly because of the problem of the language. When in class, other than what was connected to materials, the rest of it I really didn’t understand, I just had to go home and read the book. Of course, reading is slower than listening, and add the fact that it was all in English, and so studying was very difficult. Although when I was in China I did well studying mechanics, but I studied structural mechanics, and in America I was studying materials, minute structures etc., there was a lot of new terminology, so handling my studies was a major challenge. But in the end my grades were all A’s, I think there was only one A-. When I’d completed the eight courses in the first year, I started to do scientific research with my advisor. I conducted more than a year of research, until spring of 1989 when I defended, so the amount of time I was at Harvard was under three years.


A: After you graduated you went to the University of California Santa Barbara to work for eight years, what did you learn in this time?

锁教授:我在加大圣塔-芭芭拉分校受到两个系的聘用,机械系和材料系。我选择做材料方面的研究是由于Tony Evans教授。那时材料系成立不久,系主任就是Tony Evans。他是我导师的合作者,我通过导师也和他有一些合作。Evans教授是材料学方面的权威。做教授要独立开创局面,我一开始难以适应。头一两年非常辛苦。一大堆的要做的工作不想做,尤其是以前从未有过的行政工作。刚开始也有些好高骛远。后来就慢慢有了经验,工作各方面就顺利起来。我给自己订了基本的原则:要做和别人不一样的东西,要做又创新的东西,不能再重复读博士期间的东西。于是我就开始做与电子和电子材料有关的力学和材料学研究。这是较早开始用力学的原理和方法来研究芯片的结构的研究工作。我开始作这方面的研究也是碰巧。当时IBM的人看到我在做薄膜。薄膜在很多地方都可以用。在工业界,你做芯片和你把芯片粘到什么地方是完全不一样的。IBM有个人听说了我,就请我去讲座,并且想聘用我,问我可以接受什么样的条件。我说还是愿意呆在学校里。通过这次访问,我了解到电子迁移。我就觉得这也是力学的问题。还写了几篇文章,拿了些项目。当时做了很多,也学了很多东西。通过这个研究认识了许多工业界的人。

Professor Suo: At UC Santa Barbara I received offers from two departments, the mechanics department and the materials department. I decided to research the materials aspect because of Professor Tony Evans. At that time, the materials department was pretty new, and the department chair was Tony Evans. He was a collaborator of my advisor, and through my advisor I had also worked with him. Professor Evans is an authority on material science. As a professor, I had to independently initiate situations, and at first I had a hard time adapting. The first year or two were very hard. I had a big pile of work I didn’t want to do, especially because I’d never had to do administrative work before. When I first started, I bit off more than I could chew. Later as I slowly became more experienced, the work aspect started to go more smoothly. I established a basic rule for myself: if I wanted to do something different from other people, if I wanted to do something groundbreaking, then I couldn’t simply duplicate what I worked on as a Ph.D. student. As a result, I started to do mechanics and material science research related to electronics and electronic materials. This was an early start to using the theories and methods of mechanics to research microchip structure. As I started to research this aspect I encountered a coincidence. At the time, someone from IBM saw a membrane I was working on. Membranes can be used in a lot of places. In industry, the microchips I made and the microchips you attach someplace were completely different. Someone at IBM heard of me and asked me to go there to lecture, they also wanted to hire me and asked what kind of requirements I had. I said that I still preferred to stay in the university. After this interview, I learned about electron mobility. I thought this was a mechanics problem. After I wrote a few articles, I got a few projects. At the time I worked a lot and studied many things. Through this research I met a great many people in industry.


A: Then it seems that you were the first to use the method of applied mechanics to research microchip structure. Moreover you have unceasingly promoted this kind of research.


Professor Suo: I was relatively early. On some other aspects of research, I also started relatively early. Because I was doing theoretical research, it didn’t require a great deal of funding, the most important part was bringing in students.


A: Did this groundbreaking research have an important impact guiding industry or in the manufacture of microchips?


Professor Suo: I intentionally sought out people in industry to talk to, to see if they have observed any interesting phenomenon, or I’d tell them about what I’d recently been doing, see if they have any use for it. My foundation in mechanics was fairly solid, and add to that the fact that I was willing to communicate with people in industry, so I could serve as a bridge, and bring together new methods in mechanics and new problems in industry.


A: In this period of time I know you also went to Germany to interview scientists, served as a guest lecturer at Brown University, and then from 1995 became a tenured professor at UC Santa Barbara. This school is one of California’s larger industrial schools. Working there for eight years, you’ve published a total of 60-70 articles, which comes out to publishing an article every month or two. That’s a very high yield.


Professor Suo: I work on theory, so if I have an idea, I just write it out; this way it is possible to have a lot of articles.


A: In 2002, you and your advisor collaborated on that article that has already been cited more than 300 times. Having your article cited so many times, have you ever done this kind of calculation and determined the average number of times each of your articles is cited?


Professor Suo: I’ve never calculated it carefully, many have been cited more than 100 times, and there are a few that have been cited 300-400 times.


答:如果一个人的文章发表,它gets cited more than 50 times, then that’s not bad. If in ten years, an article is cited more than 100 times, then that’s really remarkable. Later you went to Princeton University, can you tell us about the situation there?


Professor Suo: I worked at Princeton for six years. The most important thing there was that I started on a new direction in my research. My department there was aerospace engineering and mechanics, and I also worked at my old field of mechanics, it’s just that in terms of research, I added nanostructures, atomic movement on the surface of materials, and at this time started collaborating with people in other departments at this school.


A: So what is the current status of your research at Harvard?


Professor Suo: I came to Harvard in 2003, and I’m still in the trial and error phase. It’s different here than at California and Princeton. One aspect is related to my age, I can’t be like when I was young, jumping in head first, not caring about anything, just doing what I want to do; another aspect is that the environment is different, Harvard is not that strong in engineering, Princeton and California are both better in this regard. At Harvard in the general sense I’m just like before, collaborating with industry. In a school like Princeton, there is not much collaboration between different departments. For those of us who are theorists, collaboration is very important, because we don’t do experiments ourselves, so we need to collaborate with people who conduct experiments. Knowing how the things we make guide people who conduct experiments, is what makes this kind of theorizing work have vitality. If the collaborators are outside the university, exchanging information can be really inconvenient. Talking on the telephone and meeting face to face in the end are quite different. I currently have three Ph.D. students and two Master’s students. My student are all from the mainland. Mainland schools have independent mechanics departments. When students are still undergraduates, they are already studying lots of mechanics issues. American students do not study a great deal of mechanics as undergraduates, because mechanics is only part of mechanical engineering department studies.


A: Aside from the points you’ve mentioned about innovations and collaborations, from the time that you started school to when you started work, generally speaking, have you had other particularly profound experiences?


锁教授:很多东西,当我写他们I think they are pretty good, but later they turn out to be quite average; when I write some articles I think they aren’t anything special, but then later lots of people think them good, very useful. Good luck in this area starts to have a big impact. Having industries use your work is not because your articles are really well-written, but because it aligns well with what they’re working on. So when working, you really need to do good work, create new things, and work ceaselessly. IF you have a few points that are can be used, then you are successful. To me, what is crucial is whether my work can attract others’ attention, if they can make use of it, and where they can use it.


A: You’ve been in the United States around 20 years. What’s your opinion of Chinese and American cultures? How have you faced some of your annoyances?


Professor Suo: When I was at the University of California, I learned something valuable: in China, my life was inside the campus, I knew all my neighbors, we’d all chat with each other, everybody would talk about daily life, at the time I thought it really boring. After I got to America, I was similarly living on campus, but nobody talks or chats with you, so I found it too cold. It was then that I finally understood why everyone was so happy chatting about daily life. Although the campus was quite open, but my ability to find close friends there was very limited. To overcome this, I found some Chinese friends. The other side of this is that my wife was really important, I could talk about anything with her. In China my wife studied English; now she’s an accountant. But she also takes care of all the important stuff at home.


A: In China, you are a “Yangtze River Scholar,” can you talk a bit about how you guide students?


Professor Suo: There are lots of opportunities in China, a few professors can obtain lots of funds for scientific research. In my mind, twenty years from now lots of outstanding talent will certainly emerge in China. Of course, collaborating with people in China is not easy, everyone’s interests are different, and the distance between is very far, so I have not yet advised students in China. Each time I go back it is only for a very short time, so this is still just a title.


A: We know that it is very difficult to apply for research funding, in fact what your research needs to have some kind of utility to society or yield economic benefits, so do you have any suggestions for young scholars applying for research funds?


Professor Suo: I can’t really say. When I started I got many projects, and now some do get rejected. The most important thing is to have the courage to work on new things. Think clearly what you want to do, why you want to do it, and after thinking clearly go apply; if the first time is unsuccessful, then apply again.


A: I understand your children are all quite outstanding, you have a son that won first place for the state of New Jersey and for the entire Eastern region of the United States in a piano competition. With regard to raising children, what kinds of experiences can you share?


锁教授:我的妻子负责在home. On one hand, if children are naturally talented, that’s better, but on the other hand, my wife was fairly strict with them. Sometimes because of this our relationship with our eldest son became somewhat strained. It’s much better now. If they have problems, the key is still to encourage them. Just tell them, you can’t take advantage of people or be an opportunist, you need to be very honest in how you treat people. Both of my sons are quite smart, although sometimes they are impatient listening to us, but at least they know what their parents are saying. If they were to be successful doing something, of course we would be happy; if they weren’t successful, we’d look for the reason why, not say that they’re too stupid or some such. My eldest son and I did math together. Even before he was 12, he was really interested in math, so every day I spent an hour teaching him. Now his math is quite good. This year, he got into MIT and Harvard, in the end he decided on Harvard, but he hasn’t selected his major. He hasn’t decided what he wants to study. On this question, I don’t give opinions, if only the kids want to study something, then there is no need to worry, they’ll study well. He’s pretty good in a lot of areas, so it’s up to him.


A” At present, according to statistics, there are already between 2.4 million and 3 million Chinese in the United States, making up 1% of the U.S. population. Do you participate in any activities in the Chinese community, and other than in the academic world, do you have any thoughts on the Chinese?


锁教授:在假日,我们会拜访朋友d they’ll visit us. Now, every field has some Chinese people in it, and they all do good work. I think the slow expansion of the Chinese community is only a question of time. As China has started to be stronger, the Chinese people have had many more opportunities.


A: What kinds of hobbies do you have? How do you keep your life balanced?


Professor Suo: Mostly I like to read, I’ll read anything, except for Wuxia (Kung-fu) novels), the rest I’ll read. When it comes to reading information, most of them are in English, because the English materials are newer. The blog also started this year. Before, I didn’t know how to go online. My youngest son is good with computers, so I learned from him. A student and I started a website called in order to allow the people who study mechanics all over the world to communicate with each other, so they can use their interaction on the site to promote the development of the study of mechanics.

编辑: 来美国二十年中的体会,最后可以用几句话给我们概括一下?

A: Having more than 20 years experience in the U.S., can you give us a few sentences to summarize your experiences for us??


Professor Suo: Treat people honestly, complete your work seriously. This is not in contradiction with suggesting that you do original work. When there are no opportunities, you have to get yourself completely prepared, so that when opportunities do come you can grab them. Do you own work well.


A: We’re extremely grateful to you for this interview, and wish you great success in all your future projects!

A great researcher!!

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