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ES 246 project: Plane Strain Extrusion - Slip-line Field Solution vs. FEM Solution

Nanshu Lu's picture

Due to maturity of FEM package, slip-line field theory is not widely used these days. However, we shall keep in mind that slip-line field analysis can provide analytical solutions to a number of very difficult problem which may involve huge deformations or velocity discontinuities, e.g. many metal forming processes. To evaluate these two analytical and numerical methods for plasticity I will try a simple example, compare these two solutions and finally get into a conclusion of my own.

Following figure shows an example of metal-forming process known as Plane Strain Extrusion (Hill). I will first use slip-line field analysis to show that the force on the punch is given by P=2k(π/3+1/2)H. And then use ABAQUS/CAE to find out the numerical relation of P(H). If time permits I may also use ABAQUS/Explicit to dynamic analysis.

Plane Strain Extrusion

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It might also be interesting to consider unsymmetrical extrusions with ABAQUS. There is a paper by A.P. Green which proposes slip-line fields and extrusion pressures for unsymmetrical extrusion through a sqare die. I don't know how difficult it would be to move the extrusion opening on your ABAQUS model, but it would be neat to see how the results compare to Green's work.


Xuanhe Zhao's picture

It's very interesting to compare the analytical results from slip-line field theory to the numerical solutions of FEM software.A problem you may encounter in this project is the model's material property. The slip-line field theory assumes a plastic-rigid material, which has an infinite Young's modulus below the yield point and no hardening upon yielding. As Prof. Vlassak mentioned in class, the numerical model with plastic-rigid material may lead to divergence. One possible solution to this problem might be to approximate the plastic-rigid condition as high Young's Modulus, reasonable yield stress, and very low hardening.此外,大型可能发生扭曲的元素in your numerical model. If so, you may consider the ALE option for adaptive remeshing in ABAQUS.

Can abaqus give out the slip lines?

Nanshu Lu's picture

Hi George,

The slip line is given by theoretical analysis here and I don't think ABAQUS can explicitly draw the slip lines for you. But with the given stress field maybe you'll be able to figure out the slip line field manually.

Henry Tan's picture

How accurate is the perfect plasticity for metal forming?
How is the slip-line defined for a non-perfect plasticity?

Nanshu Lu's picture

Because I also used rigid plasticity in my ABAQUS model I can not tell how accurate perfect plasticity can be used to simulate real metal forming process.

One assumption of slip-line field theory is the perfect plasticity.

Thank you for your answer for my earlier question.

How can i get the slip-line field from the stress filed solution?

Can I propse Mr. Hosford's book to draw a simple slf under compression test ? If your question is just draw a simple net, it will helpfull I think.

i will check it out

Nanshu Lu's picture

Actually slip line field is given by theoretical analysis. It is just an assistant to determine the stress field eventually. If you can figure out the stress field directly from FEM why do you insist to get the slip line field?


Thanks alot for your help.

I need to figure out a slip surface. In order to firgure out the plastic flow of a model, with just solving the static problem. The slip field ( or surface in 3d model) would help me figure out the slip filed.

I have another question which is not connected directly. I need to build a 3D surface with directions parallel to this surface. Its equivilant to an isosurface but instead it has the directions or planes parallel to the overall planes at each point. Does abaqus have this functin?

Thanx again for your help

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