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multiscale;fracture;failure;multiscale fracture;manufacturing;silicon;XFEM;meshless;meshfree;MAD method;multiscale aggregating discontinuities;enrichment;hydrogen;smartCut;simulation;cutting;extended finite element;extended meshless methods;interfaces

Multiscale fracture simulations: PhD President Scholarship for Engineering Infrastructure Challenges for 2020 -


material failure : Multiscale fracture models for silicon wafer manufacturing

Attention: This award is prestigious and reserved to TOP students.

The award will cover
tuition fees at the Home/EU fee rate and will provide a stipend at the UK
Research Council rate (£13,590 in 2010/11) plus an enhancement of at least
£1,000 per annum.

Subscribe to RSS - multiscale;fracture;failure;multiscale fracture;manufacturing;silicon;XFEM;meshless;meshfree;MAD method;multiscale aggregating discontinuities;enrichment;hydrogen;smartCut;simulation;cutting;extended finite element;extended meshless methods;interfaces

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