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Regarding transverse material properties of woven composites!

Sathiskumar's picture

Dear all,

I need suggestions regarding the transverse/out of plane material properties like E3, G13, G23 for woven composites. While modeling(and simulation) the woven composite in LS-Dyna where a shear load is applied over the surface of the laminate to study the damping behaviour of the material, i need to give the material properties (especially G13 or G23 plays a major role) which is not precisely available in the literature.

Also , we know simple rule of mixtures does not hold for such composites because of fiber geometry etc, what will be the simple way to get them for good preliminary analysis?




ebarbero's picture

See chapter 9, in Introduction to Composite Materials Design - 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1420079159,

Dr. Ever Barbero

Wenbin Yu's picture

Or you can use a general-purpose micromechanics code likeVAMUCH, to perform a unit cell analysis to get all the material properties represented in the engineering constants you need.

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