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Simulation of simple compression of a cylinder between two plates using ABAQUS

Manjesh's picture


I need to simulate a simple compression process. I want to know what kind of boundary conditions i have to give. I have tried giving displacement to the end plates or applying some uniform pressure at the end plates but I am not getting the expected pressure distribution at the contact. Plz somebody suggest me what to do???


ahmed.hussein's picture

can you give us more details please ?

a simple sketch for the problem you are trying to simulate will be very helpful

Manjesh's picture

Hi Ahmed,

I am trying hard but not able to put any image. Actually the problem is as follows: There is a solid cylinder with aspect ratio= 1. It's been compressed between two rigid plates. The cylinder material is mild-steel. I have to find the pressure distribution at both the ends of cylinder where it is in contact with plates. I have used surface to surface contact with tangential behaviour and friction-coefficient (penalty) as 0.4.

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