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Business venture - seeking support from like minded people from India:

Gopinath Venkatesan's picture

I am coming back to India in the September 2009, and with only a month to go, I am thinking about joining likeminded individuals to open up a small consultancy group and see where it goes. We can also teach CAD/FEM side by side (during day time, and work on projects in the evenings/night - flexible times). Presently I am thinking of buying 1 Ansys Professional (which is very expensive, atleast to me) license. If you have other suggestions, please write to me in detail. I look forward to suggestions from the experienced persons. If you think it is not okay to discuss in public, please feel free to write to me I look for financial support and I am also willing to put good amount from my side. We can discuss over the next couple of months, take all necessary steps, move cautiously. I have a couple of friends in business and I will be discussing with them too, so we are not alone. (preferable) Locations: Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad


It is very pleasing to see you take this courageous decision, I hope you are successful. Given the fact that you think that Ansys is expensive, you might consider developing, validating, and marketing, an Indian counterpart.


Gopinath Venkatesan's picture

Dr. Amit

Thanks for the suggestion and wishes.

But I am still thinking about it. I am in a dilemma whether to pursue this, or go back to India and look for a job and settle. My brother once started a small workshop but it did not go well. Now its me, :-) But as this is a recession period, if some big investment is made in another 6 to 10 months, it could grow well (crude thinking though).

Ansys软件将帮助因为(或任何商业)se you can show up the period as work experience if the business did not go well. Also you keep the license which could help for part time contract works that comes by (in case business thing did not work as expected). Ansys is steadily growing and recently it bought Fluent and growing strong. I am familiar with Ansys and hope that I can put additional efforts to master it.

I am only keeping an open invitation to other iMechanicians in India, and wanted to discuss on "how to" on several things like getting projects from companies. I will definitely want to discuss more over the next few months and then only decide which way to go. An experienced person could make a lot of difference.


Graduate Student

University of Oklahoma

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