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pyLife workshop

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During next week, on September 14-15, we hold a pyLife workshop at the FME Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia. pyLife is a Python-based open-source library built previously mostly by colleagues from Bosch to deal with the fatigue life estimation (see We at the CTU decided to join them, as we find the open-source programming the most efficient solution in the next research - it allows next generations of students to base their own research on the work of previous students not only from their faculty but from the whole world. This way the research can be substantially quickened by focusing only on new items and by not focusing anymore on weeks and months trying to understand the preceding work from generally non-complete descriptions in published papers, to implement it and to validate it.

The attendance to the workshop is free of any costs (except for what you consume and where you sleep). At last, colleagues from Bosch accepted that the workshop will be open also for on-line presence for those, who cannot join us in the Central Europe. It will be also recorded, so even if the time zone is not convenient for you, you still can join us at least passively later on. Surely, only the on-site presence gives you the highest opportunity to follow and propose the topics you are interested in, and to interact with the lecturers in the easiest way.

Thanks to all of you who help to spread this information to other prospective participants. We believe that it need not be interesting only for academia, but many companies could find it of interest as well.

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