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IUTAM Symposium on Architectured Materials Mechanics: Call for abstracts

Francois Barthelat's picture

This "Architectured Materials Mechanics" IUTAM ( Symposium will take placeSeptember 17-19, 2018indowntown Chicago, Illinois. It aims to provide a state of the art on the engineering science (design, fabrication, mechanics) of architectured materials including (but not limited to): lattice materials, metamaterials, origami, topologically interlocked materials and bioinspired materials. The list of invited speakers can be found on the symposium website:

( Symposium is limited to 100 attendees.

We are now accepting abstracts for this IUTAM symposium. Due to the focused scope of the symposium, only a limited number of contributions will be invited for oral presentations, while the remainder of accepted contributions will be invited to one of two thematically organized poster sessions.

·Deadline for abstract submission: Jan 15, 2018.Two-page abstract format:

·Abstract submission and all other

Thomas Siegmund (Purdue University), Co-Chair

Francois Barthelat (McGill University), Co-Chair

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