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Francois Barthelat's blog

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Postdoc Opening in Architectured materials / Granular mechanics


We have a new opening for a Post-Doctoral Researcher starting immediately in the Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Francois Barthelat's picture

New openings for PhD students at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration, CU Boulder


We have new openings for PhD students –fully funded - in the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration at The University of Colorado Boulder, starting Fall 2022 or earlier.

Francois Barthelat's picture

New openings at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration

We have several new openings for Master and PhD students at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration (, starting Fall 2019.

Francois Barthelat's picture

IUTAM研讨会上建筑材料》cs: Call for Poster abstracts

We are still accepting Poster abstract for this event,Deadline for abstract submission: Feb 28, 2018. Abstract submission and all other

Francois Barthelat's picture

IUTAM研讨会上建筑材料》cs: Call for abstracts

This "Architectured Materials Mechanics" IUTAM ( Symposium will take placeSeptember 17-19, 2018indowntown Chicago, Illinois. It aims to provide a state of the art on the engineering science (design, fabrication, mechanics) of architectured materials including (but not limited to): lattice materials, metamaterials, origami, topologically interlocked materials and bioinspired materials. The list of invited speakers can be found on the symposium website:

Francois Barthelat's picture

两个新的博士职位bioinspired架构materials and structures, McGill University

We have new openings for two PhD students –fully funded - in the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration at McGill University, starting Fall 2018 (Application deadline: 01/15/2018)

Francois Barthelat's picture

IUTAM研讨会上建筑材料》cs: Call for abstracts

This "Architectured Materials Mechanics" IUTAM ( Symposium will take placeSeptember 17-19, 2018indowntown Chicago, Illinois. It aims to provide a state of the art on the engineering science (design, fabrication, mechanics) of architectured materials including (but not limited to): lattice materials, metamaterials, origami, topologically interlocked materials and bioinspired materials. The list of invited speakers can be found on the symposium website:

Francois Barthelat's picture

Postdoctoral position in mechanics of architectured materials


The Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration ( at McGill University has a new opening for a Post-doctoral researcher with a strong background in mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics and experimental mechanics.

Francois Barthelat's picture

Postdoc in bio-inspired architectured materials at McGill University


We have a new opening for a Post-doctoral researcher starting immediately in the Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration at McGill University, Montreal.

Francois Barthelat's picture

Call for Abstracts: SES2016 Symposium D-13: Architectured Meta-materials: Engineering Science, Design, Manufacturing and Characterization

The 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science will be held at the University of Maryland (UMD), 2-5 October 2016.We are organizing a symposium onArchitectured Metamaterialswhich will cover research on the structure, mechanics, design, optimization, fabrication and mechanical performance of all categories of architectured materials including but not limited to lattice materials, metamaterials, topologically interlocked materials and bio-inspired materials.

Francois Barthelat's picture

Postdoc in bioinspired architectured materials at McGill University

We have a new opening for a Post-doctoral researcher starting immediately in the Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Bioinspiration at McGill University, Montreal.

Francois Barthelat's picture

Call for Abstracts TMS 2016: Biological Materials Science Symposium

We are organizing aSymposium on Biological Materials Scienceat the 145th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2016)

February 14 – 18, 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee.

This symposium will encompass the following themes:

• Biological materials (soft and hard tissues, cells, etc.)

• Biomaterials (implants, tissue engineered structures, and devices)

Francois Barthelat's picture

Post-doctoral position in biological and biomimetic materials at McGill University


I have an open position for a Post-doctoral researcher in the area of the mechanics of biological materials and novel biomimetic materials,starting immediately. The projects involve mechanics of biological and engineered nano and micro-interfaces, mechanics of fish scales, and design, fabrication and testing of composite materials inspired from nacre. The successful candidate will lead 1-2 projects and will be involved in another 2-3 ongoing projects in these areas, in collaboration with graduate students (more below).

    Francois Barthelat's picture

    SEM 2012: Biological Materials and Systems

    The Society for Experimental Mechanics will hold its 2nd Symposium on Biological Materials and Systems, next June in Costa Mesa, CA.

    Submission deadline has been extended to October 21th

    Topics include:

    Francois Barthelat's picture

    Subset Splitting Digital Image Correlation (SSDIC)

    Following ourrecent articleon this new method, we are making our Matlab routines available. The package contains standard DIC, SSDIC, plus a few extras. More infohere

    “Subset Splitting Digital Image Correlation” (SSDIC) is based on DIC, but in addition SSDIC can capture displacement discontinuities near shear bands or cracks, where standard DIC fails.

    Francois Barthelat's picture

    New openings in the Biomimetic Materials Laboratory at McGill University

    I now have several openings forMastersandPhDsfor the following projects:

    1)Biomimetic studyof the structure, mechanics and design offish scales(funding: NSF). Involves atomic force and scanning electron microscopy, mechanics of composites and fracture, small scale and in-situ testing, multiscale modeling.

    Francois Barthelat's picture

    Post-doctoral position in bio-inspired armor systems at McGill University


    I have an open position for a Post-doctoral researcherin the area of biomimetics and novel ceramic composite armor designs,starting immediately.

    Francois Barthelat's picture

    Call for Abstracts: Mechanics of Biological Materials at the 2009 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition, June 1-3 2009, Albuquerque

    We are now accepting abstracts on:

    • Mechanics of hard and soft biological materials
    • Mechanics of biomimetic materials and systems
    • Experimental methods applied to biological materials and systems

    Sponsor: Biological Systems and Materials Technical Division (


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