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Request for abstracts to: PACAM-XV mini-symposium on "The Current and Future Role of Mechanics in Atomistic Science"

ellio167's picture

As part of the Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM) being held in UIUC (May 18-21, 2015) by Oscar Lopez-Pamies and Martin Idiart, I am organizing a session on "The Current and Future Role of Mechanics in Atomistic Science".

The interaction between Atomistic Science and Mechanics has enjoyed a resurgence in recent decades with the recent focus on multiscale methods and the current Materials Genome Initiative. Researches during the past decade have made great strides toward a common goal of elucidation and development of a unified and rigorous discrete-to-continuum theory of materials and fluids. This mini-symposium aims to gather experts working at the interface between atomistic science and mechanics to describe and discuss current researches and future opportunities for theoretical, experimental, and computational breakthroughs.

Talks will be 20 or 25 minutes including questions (depending on the final distribution of presentations).

Abstracts are due no later than 31 December 2014.

Abstract submission, registration and further information are at this link:

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