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Professor Markus J. Buehler to Receive the 2012 SES Young Investigator Medal from SES

Jizhou Song's picture

Professor Markus J. Buehler of MIT will receive the 2012 SES Young Investigator Medal from the Society of Engineering Science (SES).The prize is awarded to a young researcher in his or her ascendancy whose work has already had an impact in his/her field within Engineering Science.Professor Buehler will receive his award during the49th Annual Technical Meetingof the Society of Engineering Science to be held at Georgia Institute of Technology from October 9-12, 2012.


Kejie Zhao's picture

Many congratulations to Prof. Buehler for the outstanding award!

Jianliang Xiao's picture

Congratulations to Markus!

ChangyongCao's picture

Many congratulations to Prof. Buehler for his outstanding achievement!

Zhigang Suo's picture

Congratulations, Markus, on this recongnition. It is facinating to watch you exploring the field of biomolecules.

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