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Aspects of Modelling Skin and Hair During Shaving

SIMULIA's picture

A preliminary model of shaving has been consuucted using the ABAQUS/Explicit solver. It consists of a single hair mounted in a block of hi-layered skin. across which a razor traverses. Modelling features include ( l) deformable and non-deformable contact boundary conditions between the razor. skin and hair. (2) material moduli ranging over seven orders of magnitude and (3) infrnite clements to simulate far-field boundarv conditions. T11e skin material properties are described using a large strain. viscoelastic material modeL based on experimental test data. Current work is focussing on the modelling of hair cutting. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the problems associated with developing a physiological model and the hurdles faced in simulating hair cutting with the ABAQUS/Explicit solver.

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