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Assignment #1

Yuhang Hu's picture

Assignment #1 and related paper

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PDF iconComputer Assignment 1.pdf 162.49 KB
PDF iconsolidmechanics_rice.pdf 730.34 KB


When I try to run ABAQUS/Viewer from any of the lab computers, I get the following error. Is there an easy way to correct this?



Neither feature "viewer" nor feature "cae" is available.
License server does not support this feature
Feature: cae
FLEXlm error: -18,147
For further information, refer to the ABAQUS Installation and Licensing Guide,
or contact your ABAQUS Inc. representative.
ABAQUS Error: ABAQUS/CAE Kernel exited with an error.
ABAQUS Error: ABAQUS/Viewer exited with an error
Press any key to continue . . .

Yuhang Hu's picture

You could use Abaqus CAE to view it.

In the lab you should run Abaqus CAE and command seperately.

When you are using Abaqus command, you have to close Abaqus CAE window.

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