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residual stress and strain definitions (through-thickness) in ABAQUS/Explicit

Hello everyone,

I need some help regarding the definition of initial residual stresses and plastic strains in a shell finite element (S4R) model in ABAQUS/Explicit.

I have determined the residual stress distributions and initial plastic strains and I need to assign these distributions to a given element set.

I understand I should be looking at:


ELSET_A, S11, S22, S33

然而,我的问题在于这种语法to assign different stress values along the thickness integration points of the S4R element i.e. assuming I use 11 points through-thickness I want to define 11 sets of (S11, S22, S33) as an initial condition, which is shared by every element in ELSET_A.

Concluding, my question is how do I access each integration point in a S4R element and assign the (S11, S22, S33) initial condition.

Best regards,


Mike Prime's picture

In Abaqus Standard, you would do it using the user subroutine sigini.f. You cannot use that in Explict. I am not sure if it is possible to do what you want. Sorry.

Michael B. Prime, Los Alamos, New Mexico

Well, since I am defining initial conditions as stresses, is it possible to run a *static step and use to implement the initial conditions and then run the *dynamic, explicit step?

I am trying to do the same with beam elements (B21). However, when I try to use the odb file of a static analysis, I get the warning:

"Initial stresses will be read from the output database. This type of initial conditions is supported only for continuum elements, and the initial conditions will be ignored for other element types."

Can anyone suggest a workaround for this?

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