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Yuhang Hu's picture

Computer Assignment #2

Computer assignment #2 : natural frequency problem

due on Monday (Nov. 17, 2008)

Yuhang Hu's picture

Assignment #1

Assignment #1 and related paper

Yuhang Hu's picture

Abaqus Tutorial

1 Schedule & Proceedings

2 Reading-about ABAQUS

3 Learning ABAQUS

4 CAE example

Model Overconstraints


Hello all,

I have created a 3-d dynamic model in ABAQUS using shell elements. When I run the analysis I get several warning messages indicating that I have zero pivot nodes. When I locate where these nodes are, I find that they are in the middle of my beam (modeled with shell elements) away from any boundary conditions. Does anyone know why ABAQUS is indicating these inconsistent overconstraints in the middle of my model??? The analysis fails to converge when NLGEOM=yes but has no problems converging when NLGEOM is removed.

Thanks in advance

ABAQUS damaged plasticity model


I am trying, quite unsuccessfully, to model a composite steel frame under dynamic loads. The problem is nonconvergence brought upon by the concrete tensile strains (i think). Apparently ABAQUS kills the analysis once cracks form in the concrete. Has anyone had any success using the "Concrete damaged plasticity model" under cyclic loads and large strains. I have found that researchers use many different concrete properties to get convergence, but I am more interested in a better concrete representation.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Applying Non-Uniform Distributed Forces/Pressures in Abaqus

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I am working on a problem involving wind-tunnel testing of a component. Basically, the component has numerous pressure tappings on its surface to measure the pressure in the wind tunnel. I am required to apply these pressure measurements into the Abaqus model. I am looking for some suggestions as to how best to accomplish this. Basically, the output from the pressure tappings looks like this (I moitted some details...):

SN X Y Z CP Local Pressure (Nm-2) NX NY NZ Wetted Area (m2) Normal Force (N) Fx Fy Fz

Rotating disk -- Spin Softening -- Ansys/Abaqus

I have been told about "Spin Softening" option for rotating cylinders in Ansys but did not really understand how/what/why. I have gone thru Ansys documentation and it appears that the centrifugal loads are applied to the deformed configuration if the Spin Softening option is selected. Does Abaqus have a similar option ?

Now what the "Spin Softening" is meant to do is apply a centrifugal force:

F(r) = density*(r+u)*speed^2

Illegal floating point operation

Can anyone shed some light on this particular error?

ABAQUS Error: The executable /app2/6.6-1/exec/standard.exe

aborted with system error "Illegal floating point operation" (signal 8).

Is there a possible reason for this error as I have gone through my code many times and dont find any suspicious statements that could lead to this error.

This occured when I was running my analysis with a USDFLD and MPC subroutine

Abaqus cylindrical

I am currently simulation arc welding process. i have performed plate butt welding using abaqus software. Dflux subroutine was used and the heat source model i used is goldak double ellipsoidal model.

Now i want to apply this technique to the welding of pipes, but currently i am having difficulty with the nodal coordinates. I have defined my glodal CS to cylindrical coordinate system in part and assembly defintion. But after generating the mesh the input file contain nodal coordinates in cartesian coordinates.

Viscoelasticity in Abaqus

Hi All,

I would like to use Abaqus to model the viscoelastic material behaviour of a polymer.

I have material data from a simple uniaxial creep experiment (nominal strain vs time). I tried to use the viscoelastic material model in Abaqus. I am a bit confused as to how I need to enter my data (what format).

The manual says I have to specify the normalized bulkand normalized shear compliance.

Unconverged Mohr-Coulomb Plasticity, ABAQUS

Dear Abaqus Users,First of all, I want to clarify that I am a beginner in Abaqus (only few months) and new in iMechanica.I have been modeling an excavation in Abaqus/CAE. I am using several layers of soils which have been modeled using Mohr-Coulomb model, the wall as an elastic material. Both the wall and the soils were modeled with 2D solid elements (plane strain).I have been facing with lots of problem with the interaction of the first layer and the wall, "UNCONVERGED MOHR-COULOMB PLASTICITY" in the GEOSTATIC STEP!!!!.

Glued connection in Abaqus

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I am a new user of Abaqus and need to model a glued connection between 2 solid elements (the nodes on both elements must have same displacement, no relative movementbetweenthem). In other software (cosmos/m for instance) this is accomplished by merging these overlapping nodes.

I need to do this in Abaqus, looked in the huge Abaqus documentation, but it is hard to find this for complete beginner. Please help.

KevinGE's picture

How to use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS?

I encounter a big challenge now.

I wanna use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS.However, there are many parameters confusing me.

We know the mohr-coulomb can be written as:


where τc is the shear stress on the slip plane at yielding, k0 and α are constans and σn is the stress component in the direciton normal to the slip plane.

Connecting ABAQUS with MATLAB

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Does any body know if MATLAB functions and scripts can be called into an ABAQUS subroutine like UMAT?


Graduate Student, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

python script error

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I have script written in phyton and get following error when try to read history data.
I will appreciate any help.
thanks and regards,


Neither set named 'PIVOT' nor region named 'ElementSet PIVOT' found.

***COMMENT: History output is available at the following points ['Element PART-1-1.701', 'Element PART-1-1.908', 'Element PART-1-1.909', 'Node PART-1-1.901', 'Node PART-1-1.902', 'Node PART-1-1.903', 'Node PART-1-1.904']

小松若松's picture

Crack Length in Cohesive Element (ABAQUS vr 6.7.1) in pure MODE I case

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Help! imechanica!

This might not be a smart question to ask, but if any of you can help me, it'd be great.

I have a DCB (sandwitch specimen) with a cohesive element in the middle. Studying pure Mode I case, displacement is applied at the end of the DCB. Cohesive element works great (it fails when one reaches max separations). But I am having a difficulity in extracting crack length (i.e. length of failed cohesive element) vs time step. I looked for Damage and Status commend, but it's not promising. (I'm pretty new to ABAQUS....)

msd.jacob's picture


Hi All,

我分析纤维复合固定板a large and small holes. The model is meshed with C3D8R elements. The output has U and RF in global CSYS and S, E in local CSYS. I have problem in reading S and E written in local CSYS. I know it is very simple, but I cant able to figure it out. Those who know, how to read the S and E in local CSYS, please help me. Tks in advance for your time and advice.



difficulties CONTACT problem with plasticity using ABAQUS FEA code.

Hello everyone:

1. I have built a FEM model 2D plane strain using ABAQUS/Standard (CPE4R) elements,

2. I am modeling the contact between a cylinder and a plate in 2D.

3. The Cylinder material is given is ELASTIC ISOTROPIC material with no plasticit E=310 GPa

4. The plate is with a Ramberg-Osgood plasticity with a Young's modulus E=210 GPa.

5. The mesh at the the contact point is VERY refined element characteristic length is about 1 micron. (My model units are (mm,N,sec)).

Extended Chaboche viscoplastic model for cyclic loading

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These days I've been applying oneself to implement the Chaboche viscoplastic model in ABAQUS user-subroutine for simulating the cyclic loading in single crystals.
The procedure can easily get out. I'm not sure about the problem, the deduction of Jacobian, the convergence?
Btw, I know there is free subroutine for crystal plasticity by Huang YG. I wonder if the UMAT routine for chaboche model is available, then I can generalize it to fit for my case.
If pity there isn't, guide or example for viscoplastic model can be of great help also.
Thanks a lot

Freqency on abaqus

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I am trying to create a model of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor and have found it difficult to find out how to apply the natural frequency of a steel ring to it at two seperate points, seperated by an angle of about 11 degrees. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Abaqus frequency solution

I am trying to create a model of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor and have found it difficult to find out how to apply the natural frequency of a steel ring to it at two seperate points, seperated by an angle of about 11 degrees. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.


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