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Damage Modelling in XFEM

I am currently attempting to model a crack simulation using realistic values for materials such as aluminium and cast iron. I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource which might provide standard values for MAXPE/MAXPS in the damage initation command and for the parameters in the damage evolution command.

Any help would be much appreciated.


dear jez

try the input files in abaqus help they are very usefull

Dear Hcham,

Aren't they they just arbitrary numbers which no correlation to any specific material?

nope they arent avery material got its one numbers characteristics material u should give the right constants. and carful to the units.

Dear Jez,

你能给我澄清哪个标准and/or other optional parameters do you use in the *DAMAGE INITIATION command?

In addition, can you specify the type of evolution of damage you use? (TYPE=DISPLACEMENT/ENERGY/HYSTERESIS ENERGY)?

You have to make clear what the numerical data you request refer to, ok?

Best regards,

George Papazafeiropoulos

Second Lieutenant, Hellenic Air Force

Civil Engineer, Ph.D. Candidate

Dear George,

In my code i have



My main problem is the values for the 'fracture energy' under *DAMAGE EVOLUTION. I am trying to do a crack propagation analysis on cylinders heads, but i need real life values of the materials used in cylinder heads; namely cast irons and aluminium.

Any help in where i can find this would be greatly appreciated. If you want more details i can provide them.

I understand that you are doing a crack propagation analysis on cylinders heads, but is this for motor parts cylinders ormotorcycle partscylinder? One of my friend works for a automotive company and I think he can help us for real life values of the materials used in cylinder heads; namely cast irons and aluminium.I will try my best to help you from my side. Moreover, can tolerance can be used for greater than 0.05 or we can use more than this value.

Here they have taken 500MPa as Maxps damage for aluminium.


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