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Questions About Ansys ( Modeling Concrete )

Question About Ansys



i have an idea to start an indentation with a conical tip on a thin film , can u pls suggest me how to start this in ANSYS. thanks for your attention.

remallivsagar's picture

I am seeking for a post doctoral position in the area of experimetnal fractumechanics. I am intested in Concrete testing and expeirments related to concrete structres.

remallivsagar's picture

I am seeking for a post doctoral position in the area of experimetnal fractumechanics. I am intested in Concrete testing and expeirments related to concrete structres.

remallivsagar's picture

I am seeking for a post doctoral position in the area of experimetnal fractumechanics. I am intested in Concrete testing and expeirments related to concrete structres.

i am alireza i want to modeling a frp tube fill with concreat but i cant active tesi failur if you know help me please



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