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Conversion of Piezoelectric coefficients

Hello everyone,

I am interested on simulating the converse Piezoelectric effect of materials and I have given the mechanical (Youngs modulus and Poissoin's ratio) and electric material properties (Electric Permittivity, Piezoelectric coupling matrix etc). However from the literature I got double index notation, I am struggling to convert double index notation to triple index notation.

The double index notation from literature is as follows:

Double index notation

d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 -------------- 0 0 0 0 21.3 0

d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 -------------- 0 0 0 21.3 0 0

d31 d32 d33 d34 d35 d36 -------------- -2.6 -2.69 3.65 0 0 0

Triple index notation:
I would like to convert them to Triple index notation used by some commercial software providers like Abaqus and MSC Marc etc and is written as follows:

d11_1 d11_2 d11_3 -------------- 0 0 -2.6

d22_1 d22_2 d22_3 -------------- 0 0 -2.6

d33_1 d33_2 d33_3 -------------- 0 0 3.65

d12_1 d12_2 d12_3 -------------- 0 21.3 0

d23_1 d23_2 d23_3 -------------- 21.3 0 0

d31_1 d31_2 d31_3 -------------- 0 0 0

Am I doing the conversion correctly? Are the values placed in correct positions?
Double Index = Triple Index = Coupling Matrix Value
d11 = d11_1 =0
d21 = d11_2 = 0
d31 = d11_3 = -2.6
d12 = d22_1 = 0
d22 = d22_2 = 0
d32 = d22_3 = -2.6

d16 = d31_1 = 0
d26 = d31_2 = 0
d36 = d31_3 = 0

I am new to this filed and its kind of a big deal for me to understand all these conversions. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,



IMechanica does not allow for equations and it's hard to answer your question without a few equations.

Post your question on the Engineering StackExchange site and I'll try to answer it.


Dear Biswajith,

Thank you very much for your reply and suggestion. I have posted my question on Engineering StackExchange site. Here is the link:

Best regards,


Please see my explanation on StackExchange. Hope that helps.


Thank you very much for the prompt response and detailed explanation. Its more clear for me now. Thanks again!

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