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2 years PostDoctoral Position - Universities Lille & Paris 13 , Paris, France

yann.charles's picture

A2 years post Doctoral position is avalaible in France, on material science numerical modeling fields. This is a join project between Univ. Lille (UMET lab), Paris 13 (LSPM lab), CEA (IRFM lab) and Marseille univ. (PIIM lab).

The present postdoc subject is focused on the modeling of the interactions between impurities (H, He...) and tungsten.

The candidate should have a PhD in computational physics, a solid background in solid state physics and show skills in the field of metallic materials. At least one experience of OKMC or FEM simulations is required. As the candidate will have to interact with the various actors in the project, good oral and written communication skills are necessary and the ability to work in a collaborative research environment is essential. Knowledge of French would be appreciated but is not mandatory.

Application is open until May 31 and the earliest starting date is July 1 2018.

More details in the enclosed pdf description file.

Edit 4th june 2018 : This position is still available


Christian Grisolia christian.grisolia(at) [Laboratoire IRFM - CEA Cadarache - 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance]

Charlotte Becquart charlotte.becquart(at) [Laboratoire UMET- Université Lille 1 - 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq]

Yann Charles yann.charles(at)

Jonathan Mougenot jonathan.mougenot(at) [Laboratoire LSPM – Université Paris 13 – 93430 Villetaneuse]

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